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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 00:58
Belldandy Gift

Leaving the site.

Topics Intro & Birthdays Leaving the site.
Gab/Endymion (Or whatever you're calling yourself this month) Please delete my account.
I've been part of BAF for almost three and a half years now, and the site has done nothing but continue to slide downhill. From what I see, there isn't any intelliegnt conversation here anymore. Also due to certain circumstances, I believe leaving would be in the best interest of my personal safety.

Diazo, Nighthawk, Kei, Bdiah, Nausicaa... It's been a pleasure meeting you all.
I'm sorry to see you leave Dark_Urd, and it is a sad day for the site to see such a long time member part ways. I wish you all my best.:)
Extremely unfortunate, Dark_Urd. I think most of the older members who remember you as a moderator will be saddened to see you go. I remember being very impressed with you when I just had just joined. A perfect example of what makes the BAF community so unique.

While I have to disagree with your comments regarding BAF, I certainly do understand your frustrated perspective. Personally, I believe there is still a great deal of hope for the community and its members.

I sincerely hope that the threat to your personaly safety is not too grave, and I wish you luck in your future endeavors. It really has been wonderful to interact with you as well. Take care and stay warm.