Hello! I've been lurking around for a couple days and thought I'd speak up to say 'hi', this looks to be a fun community!
A little about myself... I enjoy the outdoors (hiking, camping, airsoft, fishing, etc...), computer games, computers in general (I'm working on a Bachellors degree in Electronics Engineering Technology), and, of course, anime.
I've seen ("recently"):
Escaflowne, Elfen Lied, Neon Genesis, The Place Promised in our Early Days, Trigun, Inuyasha, Air, Rozen Maiden, Fate/stay night, Melody of Oblivion, Girls Bravo, FMA, Eureka 7, Bleach (till about 70 or so), Chobits, Chrno Crusade, Gunslinger Girls, Shakugan no Shana, and many, many more. But even with all the anime I watch, I've always come back to Ah! Megamisama!
In most cases, if I like a series enough, I'll burn them to CD to keep (and save HD space).
Anyway, I suppose that's enough for now! Looking forward to taking part in the happenings around here!