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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:25
Belldandy Gift

Making an intro!

Topics Intro & Birthdays Making an intro!
Hello! I've been lurking around for a couple days and thought I'd speak up to say 'hi', this looks to be a fun community!

A little about myself... I enjoy the outdoors (hiking, camping, airsoft, fishing, etc...), computer games, computers in general (I'm working on a Bachellors degree in Electronics Engineering Technology), and, of course, anime.

I've seen ("recently"):
Escaflowne, Elfen Lied, Neon Genesis, The Place Promised in our Early Days, Trigun, Inuyasha, Air, Rozen Maiden, Fate/stay night, Melody of Oblivion, Girls Bravo, FMA, Eureka 7, Bleach (till about 70 or so), Chobits, Chrno Crusade, Gunslinger Girls, Shakugan no Shana, and many, many more. But even with all the anime I watch, I've always come back to Ah! Megamisama!

In most cases, if I like a series enough, I'll burn them to CD to keep (and save HD space).

Anyway, I suppose that's enough for now! Looking forward to taking part in the happenings around here!

yo Seija, nice to meet you and enjoy in BAF:Puffy:
yes! new people!!! whew!

welcome to BAF Seija ^_^ i hope you'll have a pleasant stay here :)

and if you don't get something or you're lost, just pm an older member or a moderator and you'll get an answer :)
nice avatar...(it's all i can say for now)

by the way welcome here...
Thank you, thank you! I had actually taken my avatar off of the animesuki boards (I think...) for Fate/stay night. I have a few others as well, mostly chibi's. :Puffy:

I'm probably going to change my avatar and sig over into something better eventually (though I have almost no skill in photoshop, but I try).

Anyway, looking forward to my stay here! :E

nice sig too!....

keep it up!
welcome to the site ^_^!
hope you enjoy it here in our little heaven and keep out of trouble:p
Welcome to BAF! I hope you enjoy your stay here ^^

you have a very cute avatar by the way!

Oh, i just started on Bleach, btw, if you like the anime you should read the manga, it's similar but i like it better, and the art is better
QuoteOh, i just started on Bleach, btw, if you like the anime you should read the manga, it's similar but i like it better, and the art is better.

Bleach was pretty good, but for me it just kind of died around episode 70 or so (That and Lunar stopped subbing it). For a while I was serving Bleach anime/manga in an IRC channel, but like I said, I lost interest in the series so I stopped (which is just as well, classes kinda picked up all my free time for a while).

^_^ im glad to see you getting along with every one im Suron hope you get nice and fit in BAF ^_^
QuoteOriginally posted by Seija (view)
[quote]Oh, i just started on Bleach, btw, if you like the anime you should read the manga, it's similar but i like it better, and the art is better.

Bleach was pretty good, but for me it just kind of died around episode 70 or so (That and Lunar stopped subbing it). For a while I was serving Bleach anime/manga in an IRC channel, but like I said, I lost interest in the series so I stopped (which is just as well, classes kinda picked up all my free time for a while).


If you want to continue to watch Bleach Dattebayo are continuing to sub
I did watch the DB subs for a while, but it just didn't seem the same. I kinda got used to how Lunar did it. Then there's the transition in story archs, the first arch or two (depending on how you define them) were pretty good, I just couldn't make myself watch anymore after episode 70 (had to go check the last one I have on my computer).

what about one piece? im searching for the nice quality at a very low size
Well, currently I'm watching 3 series: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Meloncholy of Haruhi Suzumiya), AMG season 2, and Fate Stay Night.

I'll pick up an odd episode of other anime's every so often to see if I want to see the rest of them later, but I try not to watch more than 3 series at a time (unless the 4th is already complete and only has 10-15 episodes, or something I can watch in one sitting). Fate Stay Night is supposedly ending soon if I recall, so that'll leave one spot open for something else, I just haven't decided what yet. Looking back at my list of anime's I've watched, I've gone through most of the popular series, so I'll probably just try a few random shows off animesuki and see what I find. :)

QuoteOriginally posted by Seija (view)
Hello! I've been lurking around for a couple days and thought I'd speak up to say 'hi', this looks to be a fun community!

A little about myself... I enjoy the outdoors (hiking, camping, airsoft, fishing, etc...), computer games, computers in general (I'm working on a Bachellors degree in Electronics Engineering Technology), and, of course, anime.

I've seen ("recently"):
Escaflowne, Elfen Lied, Neon Genesis, The Place Promised in our Early Days, Trigun, Inuyasha, Air, Rozen Maiden, Fate/stay night, Melody of Oblivion, Girls Bravo, FMA, Eureka 7, Bleach (till about 70 or so), Chobits, Chrno Crusade, Gunslinger Girls, Shakugan no Shana, and many, many more. But even with all the anime I watch, I've always come back to Ah! Megamisama!

In most cases, if I like a series enough, I'll burn them to CD to keep (and save HD space).

Anyway, I suppose that's enough for now! Looking forward to taking part in the happenings around here!


why hello there... :E


Lanz, at yer service! ^_^