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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 02:00
Belldandy Gift

Anti hentai Belldandy pics guild

Topics Ah! My Goddess Anti hentai Belldandy pics guild
 Poll: Goddess hentai pics
59 vote(s)
 you like lookn at them
 you don't like lookn at them
 the artist who draws them should b punished
This thread is only for anti hentai pics of the Goddesses ok.If you like lookn at hentai pics of'em then don't post.I don't mind lookn at eiichi pics of'em..So this is a Anti Hentai Goddess Picture Guild!!!!Enjoy the polls thanks to Bell^^.
hmmm... it would depend how graphic they are, i dont mind the ecchi ones with Belldandy in a skimpy bikini etc. But i really detest and hate the pure hentai ones with all the disgusting sex acts and perversion of the image of my favourite goddess.
Yes those are basicly what I'm talkn about K1.I hate those sex pics.I have a eiichi but could be called hentai pic by some.But it's artisticaly beautiful.It just shows her from her(alone) with a blankit covering her chest but showing rest of her.No sexuall pats are showing ^^.I'd like to upload iyt again but it's in bmp sighs.
I see everyone's makin use of the new poll system lol
Never really considered hentai pics worth notice before, if you have those thoughts keep them in your head and away from where they can corrupt the image of the characters in question that's my moto....
QuoteOriginally posted by Keiichi-K1 (view)
hmmm... it would depend how graphic they are, i dont mind the ecchi ones with Belldandy in a skimpy bikini etc. But i really detest and hate the pure hentai ones with all the disgusting sex acts and perversion of the image of my favourite goddess.

Hentai pics of Belldandy are just plain wrong! :angry: But to make matters worse I have heard rumors about their being hentai pics of Skuld, Holy bell, and other members of the OMG cast. Hentai pics of belldandy are bad enough, but if there are actually in existence hentai pics of skuld and holy bell. That just not right!!:angry: :cry: Come on people Skuld is just a child and Holy bell is an ANGEL for crying out loud. Child hentai is SICK AND WRONG... so is hentai about a beautiful and completely innocent and pure ANGEL!!.
I'm soory to tell ya..there is hentai pics of Skuld & others.And I sent that person a very not so nice emailX| :angry:
agreed, I really don't get the people you draw these, why the heck are these people fantasizing about a fourteen year old anyhow! Let alone putting it on paper and in the public eye like it's something to be proud of!
It's the same thing I said when someone told me of similar things including Sasami from TM, these freaks need to be stopped
QuoteOriginally posted by Goku_B (view)
Yes those are basicly what I'm talkn about K1.I hate those sex pics.I have a eiichi but could be called hentai pic by some.But it's artisticaly beautiful.It just shows her from her(alone) with a blankit covering her chest but showing rest of her.No sexuall pats are showing ^^.I'd like to upload iyt again but it's in bmp sighs.

I know what pic your talking about Goku_B and I find it offense.
They shouldn't do pics like that , taking such an innocent char and turning her into something like that! You may call it artisticaly beautiful, but I call it hentai and offensive to fans of belldandy. :angry: And No I don't want to start up THAT thread again Keiichi-K1 alright? @_@ They shouldn't make pics of her, that show her ravished form draped with a blanket and how guilty she looks after what they insinuate has happened. :angry:

and no Keiichi-K1 I didn't know that swimsuit pics were considered ecchi.
ok, and deep breaths everyone..... better?
Guardian, it is possible to express you're views on this rather sensitive topic without alienating you're fellow members
Goku_B already stated that he knew some many not share his view so that little rant was unwarrented and as for your attack on K1 I'm sure he was only jesting as he usually does.
Try to keep these points in mind when posting in the future
QuoteOriginally posted by Neongenesis (view)
ok, and deep breaths everyone..... better?
Guardian, it is possible to express you're views on this rather sensitive topic without alienating you're fellow members
Goku_B already stated that he knew some many not share his view so that little rant was unwarrented and as for your attack on K1 I'm sure he was only jesting as he usually does.
Try to keep these points in mind when posting in the future

:angry: First of all Neongenesis I don't appreciate your condescending manner toward me in your post. And as for my "little unwarrented rant" as you call it , all i said was that I found it offensive that all. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if he finds that artisticaly beautiful that is his opinion. And I posted mine, there is nothing more to it then that.

What attack on K1 are you talking about???? that comment was made about an old thread that K1 and posted back and forth on that all. Look I don't why your targeting me over this, but a comment a friend said is making more and more sense. They said that the board was changing, and now I know what they are talking about..
I'm just trying to keep the peace here, it is true that these boards seem to be changing but it's mainly due to the inherent difficultly in conveying messages using solely text, (case in point this misunderstanding)
I apologise if I came of as condesending instead of light-hearted as was my intention.
Concern over the way i have seen other forums turn into snipping free for alls prompted my action.
Please understand that I only wish to help facilitate a happy and respectful environment for all users
(P.S: Once again deepest apologies, Neongenesis)
I think both pictures of godesses in bikini and the ones where they cover themselves with their hands and hair are great pics that show the purity of a goddess, the rest is random garbage...the important is that garbage will never enter here...
THE ONES WHO UNPURIFIES OUR BELL-CHAN MUST, AND I MEAN MUST BE PUNISHED!!!:angry: grrr.....ecchi is okay(as long the art is okay) but hentai is too way far!

:clenches fist:
Ok neo & guardian no earious arguring now.We all have our opinions about that pic that I mentioned guardian.We all have the right to express our opinions.
...neo and guardian...? :inoc: