well i have bought from four sources... 1 ok recast, 2 good , but recasts, 1 originals only but expensive.
resides in Hong Kong, offering recasts of good quality, excellent service, decent prices, and (most importantly) a huge selection of kits, many of which are no longer available in thier original castings. It seems they'll even revive a dead kit if they have enough interested customers.
Offering original casts only, this japanese based company's service is very good, but as they offer many other items, are based in japan, and have originals only, they can be somewhat pricey. Also, one of those "high quality" originals turned out to be the poorest quality kit I've purchased.(Urd, standing in a swimsuit, by Max Factory)
These are likley to be my only two sources for resin kits,i have been very happy with them, and I simply do not want to risk anyone else.
Hope this helps.