No way is it done in Flash! You can spot those in a second, because the work is so shoddy. (Don't mean to yell, but I really hate Flash :P). From the clips I've seen, it's probably done in the industry standards. I don't know what those are in Japan, but here it's Maya or 3dxMax for the 3d effects. I can't remember the name of the 2d program... it's something that's mostly initials. ^_^;; And Adobe after-effects to composite the two together. Of course, Disney and Pixar use their own programs, which are created in-house strictly for their own animators. The majority of the time, even though the final image on the cel is created completely within a computer, it's still printed on a cel for photographing, because the quality is far superior to purely digital animation. Unfortunately, I can't tell for sure if it would have cels based on the few clips I've seen of the show.
I've managed to find some high-quality cels for pretty good prices, but Belldandy cels normally start at $100 and go up if you're buying through a dealer. A good head-and-shoulders to face shot of Bell can go from $500 - $3,000, depending on whether the cel comes with a sketch or a background. So far, I'm making payments on a cel of Urd in her battle outfit, close-up and casting a spell, and Keiichi, close-up and in Celestin's garb. It totals about $200, which is great for what they are, but still a pretty penny. As for Bell cels, I'm keeping an eye out on eBay. ^_^;