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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:20
Belldandy Gift

Sweet angels

Topics Art & Design Sweet angels
This contest is designed for humour and for parody. This is also a continuious contest, meaning it has no deadline, you simply put your entry in and if its good, you win a certificute!

This contest is also running on DF Forum and Belldandy's angel feathers

The object is to create something (be it fanfiction, fanart, image manip, wallpaper etc) relating to two things... sweet selfless animevideo game charathers and the TV series, Charlies angels.


*It must contain three animevideo game charathers of a selfless, kind hearted andor sweet nature (e.g Belldandy (AMG), Yuna (FFX), Kasumi (DOA))
*Your entry must parody Charlies Angels
*As part of your entry please state which are the three charathers you are choosing.

If your contribution is good, i will reward you with a certifcite. However i will only award one per user, all other contributions that the winning user makes will be just for fun!

Contest winners (These may submit another entry but it will be just for fun, no duplicate prize)