Personally speaking, I believe that Vista is a good OS: it is not the BEST OS out there. The best OS remains XP Professional and MCE. I say this for a number of reasons. One, XP is less power demading. Even though my Dell XPS 420 (having a Core 2 Quad) runs it perfectly, I find that it requires a lot to run the OS itself (1 GB or RAM just for the OS, I am thankful I have 2 GB for other things). Second, while the new interface is very nice, it is kind of distracting. Of course, it can be disabled. Finally, the new security systems make installing programs, making changes and other system processes more difficult.
The final line is quite simple: if you have XP, keep it. Get Internet Explorer 7, Windows Media Player 11 and Windows Defender. If you already have Vista, use it:) It's a decent operating system, but it takes time to get used to. Also, check your rating if you have Vista. A machine rated at 1-2 is fine as a workstation. Ratings of 3-4 mean you have a good multimedia machine. A machine with a rating of 5 is top-of-the-line; perfect for gaming. That said, if you haven't bought the upgrade yet, don't bother. If you bought and installed it, make the most of it. Vista runs fine on poewrful machines. If you machine came with Vista, I guess you'll have to get used to it; XP may be the better OS, but it is not worth switching back to if you have Vista.