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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 09:35
Belldandy Gift

can you discribe how beautiful she is in your mind

Topics Ah! My Goddess can you discribe how beautiful she is in your mind
Well no ones perfect, even Belldandy is not perfect (though she is near it in some cases). That is why the bond works, because if it looks bleak in her eyes, Keiichi is there to comfort her.
well i agree to that, but don't you know that one person made perfect because of his or her mistakes? without mistakes we can't be perfect...mistakes teaches us a lot to be perfect...and not because of mistakes and errors we are unconsiderable to be perfect...
She is like the small whisper of what every girl wants to be. She is like the deepest part of you you wished you had access to.

It is like the rushing wind so powerful yet so peaceful at the same time. You don't even have to think about her and she comes rushing in...like a spring in the western desert.

When you look into her eyes you get lost in the deep blue pools. When she smiles you wish you smiled that brightly.

She lights up your world and no matter how hard you try you can't not like her at least just a little bit.

To take a somewhat quote from austin powers: men want her and women want to be her. (yeah I know...cheesier by each post I do :)