As i said in Goddess Project
As i know, my information by the moment apoints to the posibility to the third season to octuber 2007, but it depends of the sales of the anime in the next months.
As i say before. the AMG Franchise give earnings, in the worst case, around of eight million dollars only in Japan, other franchises give more profits, but considerating the time of broadcasting (2:00 am) and the ratings of other series in the same block hour, it´s very possible to get a third season. The ratings in this second season were good for the block hour, and the sales since this month is rising.
All rumours about the production team link that it`s possible a third season, but they want to take a little rest. Fujishima - sensei is busy in this moment, and the posibility of a second movie in 2008 is growing with the posibility to end the series with the second movie.
Well, we must to wait for news about the third season, specially the sales of the last DVD with the episode 23 and 24 on Febreary 23th. The information that i was getting in this days make feel 60% sure that we will have a third season in October 2007, or maybe to December 2007.