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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:34
Belldandy Gift


I think Welsper and the Gate will be put in the spotlights, or at least for a couple of episodes. I have a feeling a lot more will happen in Heaven, too. And maybe there will be the Lind arc, where she fights Hild and Demon Belldandy. However in a blog I read that Bell-chan will become a demon in the last 2 or 3 episodes.
Dont forget Sigel n Kei's Parents...think they were supposed to apper in season 2, if not for the low dvd sales....sigh...
In ep 22 you see kei's dad for a split second when hes pushin his scooter through the snow a bike goes passed with his sister on the back "sounds like her voice" and keima is on the front =o
Yes!!! that was Keima. I recognised that bike but.... Megumi was the other one that was there???
So there we have it - from what we were talking to we can even make season 4 hehehe!! ^_^

and there is one story that i wish in the manga would come up or even the anime anyway - a story about hild and the girls father, Which i believe to be the Almighty!! that would be a good one - whata love story: the Almighty and the Ruler of Demondom!! Yaaaayy!! ^_^
hahaha! Nice plot you can make chloe!!

There can be lots of seasons if they try to make it alike the manga.
But there is the low sales issue...that can make any tv show disappear.

I think it is sad this season didn't end with some of the nicest parts of the manga. But, I hope in next season they explore them!
I know you are going to like this post!!! It's about season 3 and the possible continuation of season 2 with a few more episodes, may end up being 26 eps in all 24 tv and 2 more on dvd. Fantastic news read it all to find out, it's very long I know........

(I got this from another site!!)
Quote"According to Pixiebell, a moderator over at Megatokyo.com, there is good news for every AMG fan. For those of you who don't know, Pixiebell is a personal and close friend of Hidenori Matsubara. Anyway. here's the update:"

QuoteI wouldn't be surprised about the DVD's. The show isn't on the best time slot in the world.

I haven't heard about a movie or games though. Though that might be "secret" information that I wouldn't be able to give out even if I heard. If they were going to do a movie, I would imagine that it wouldn't be for a while. Hide is working on the four eva movies and that schedule will probably be going on for at least a year.

Unless Hide is going to do what he did during the first season of AMG1. Which was completely unheard of and INSANE. He was working on two series at the same time (AMG and Gakutsuou), and I hope he doesn't do that again.

Of course, this is on the premise that they use the same staff. Sakura Taisen 3 illustrations were mostly done by someone else since the AMG movie was being made at the time of production.

I am meeting him up for dinner today to use the about-to-expire Hyatt dining certs I got from work though. If he has any info he wants to give, I will let you know.

In the meantine, buy buy buy the DVDs!

So Hide and I had a fabulous dinner. (Better be fabulous, I worked 80 hours a week for those dining certs.)

He says that there is going to be a game out next year. He's not working on the game it self, but he has drawn a few posters which he says have nothing to do with the story of the game.

As for a movie, he says not for a while. The problem isn't money with TBS. TBS is actually making good money since the DVDs sell pretty steadily and are a guaranteed money-maker. Hide says that all the DVDs released into the top 10 anime DVDs every week one was released. If TBS had it their way, the series would go on forever.

But Gohda and Hide would really like to do other things at the moment. After they have done that, they're fairly certain they will return to AMG. But they would like to take breaks in between. Hide says he would love for the show to go forever . . . but there has to be some breather room for the staff in between each run.

As soon as Gohda is ready, there will probably be another series. Hope that is good news for you.

News Annocment from the Goddess-Project site
Season 2 not over??
Quote"There are a lot of you who are going to be appreciative to get this information, but it looks like there will be 26 episodes for Season 2 after all. It appears that there will be 24 broadcast episodes along with 2 episodes that will be released straight to DVD. While there are 26 episodes, there will only be 24 episodes of the season that will be broadcasted. More information when it becomes available."

Quote from Maa at http://forums.animeyuki.org/viewtopic.php?t=986&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=90
Quote"I did some more digging
http://www.goddess-project.net http://forums.megatokyo.com/index.php?s=f144552f41e6e6c6c444a9385ffa30ff&showtopic=1717264

Season 2 will have 26 episodes
24 TV broadcast plus 2 on DVD

it appears episodes 23 & 24 will be broadcast sometime later"
Sorry to say this but.....
only 24 tv eps and 2 on DVD

(Now Im felling like the bad guy ):cry:

I can say that the DVDs are selling good (not extremely good tough), but from what I know, the sales are considerably good (I already said this or Im having a a dejabu???)
Wasn't that said in ssetbob's post? It is alomst frustrating though. My quota got cut so I'm not sure if I can do the whole season if this is the case;_;.
[ (This post was edited after I awake from a nightmare (called thermodinamics), discovered that 22+2= 24 (:sheep: ....) and noticed that my last post doesnt have sense (, sorry ]

No wait, there are only 22 aired episodes ........and the 2 of DVD ... the total is 24 episodes in this season
If you read the last line it said that 2 more (23 and 24) maybe boardcast LATER. But I don't know if it is FACT yet.
there are no news for other 2 episodes airing yet
23 and 24 are going to be the eps for DVD,

this 24 eps are going to be the complete season
If TBS had their way...the series would go on forever...lovely!
yeah ... just plain heaven!!

it's like episodes 25 and 26 in the 1st series right?!?! Bonus ones!! ^_^
as long as the manga keeps going the anme will never die, but i hope the creator doesn't make it so he will have the anime catch up with the manga to fast, cause that cuses alot of problems and it may cause the anime to stop in it's tracks, just like Ruroni kenshin and other anime like inuysha and ranma 1/2, so i hope the creator of this anime is clever enough to outwit this problem, also......THERE"S ANOTHER MOVIE!? O_O