Don't get me wrong... I like the originals too (you're talking to someone who has well over 300 anime DVDs, all purchased in the store (or online for harder to find titles). My contention is that since I'm gonna buy them anyway when they are released in the US, I don't have a problem downloading either fansubs or scanlations.
Sometimes, that is your only option too. For example, the Macross movie - "Do You Remember Love?". The license on this lapsed in America LONG ago. I had it on VHS, but my tape is getting really old and I want it on DVD. Nobody has license it, and you can't get it on DVD over here, so I downloaded the fansub. If someone picks the license up and releases it here, I'll be one of the first to buy it.
I fully understand the desire to own the original, as I have a HUGE anime and manga collection. Until I can purchase a version in my native language and location, I have no problem getting the fansub though. All I'm doing is timeshifting.
In closing, the only reason I was laughing is because the distinction between getting the TV series fansubs and the manga scanlations seems silly to me. I'm not criticizing anyone... people should do what they want.