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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 15:40
Belldandy Gift


Anti-piracy? Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Keiichi-K1 downloads the fansubs for the TV series, but not the manga, he's already said so. Useless distinction as far as I am concerned. That's like saying "He's not a car thief. He'll steal Fords, but not a Chevy". I know Keiichi-K1 isn't saying that, but still, it just struck me as funny. Since it isn't available to purchase yet in our country and language, my understanding of the law is that obtaining a copy for personal use is not illegal (so lower those Jolly Roger flags on top of your monitors).

I'm sure we'll buy the licensed product the day they're released, so I don't think it is a big deal, Keiichi-K1. But hey, do what you want, either way. I actually have been really impressed by some of the translation jobs done on the "Scanlations".

The reason I do so isnt because of anti piracy Larry, its only because I enjoy collecting originals. I spent $80 on a record of my favorite musician (because it was a pressed and deleted limited edition) I had the songs already on mp3 and the artist was not getting $80 for it (the store was) , I just wanted the original. Im not on some holy war against piracy and I doubt Keiichi-k1 is either, but as part of the hobby having something thats real and in your hands is key. I guess we are just materialistic nerds...oh well

As for Jolly Roger Flags on my computer... please get it right! mine is on my avatar!
Don't get me wrong... I like the originals too (you're talking to someone who has well over 300 anime DVDs, all purchased in the store (or online for harder to find titles). My contention is that since I'm gonna buy them anyway when they are released in the US, I don't have a problem downloading either fansubs or scanlations.

Sometimes, that is your only option too. For example, the Macross movie - "Do You Remember Love?". The license on this lapsed in America LONG ago. I had it on VHS, but my tape is getting really old and I want it on DVD. Nobody has license it, and you can't get it on DVD over here, so I downloaded the fansub. If someone picks the license up and releases it here, I'll be one of the first to buy it.

I fully understand the desire to own the original, as I have a HUGE anime and manga collection. Until I can purchase a version in my native language and location, I have no problem getting the fansub though. All I'm doing is timeshifting.

In closing, the only reason I was laughing is because the distinction between getting the TV series fansubs and the manga scanlations seems silly to me. I'm not criticizing anyone... people should do what they want.

Mu mum juz killed me for buying Ishida Yoko's AMG op and ed CD.......
i think the cause of confusion here is that i dont know anything about scanlations, i thought they were scans of already released volumes on the net, therefore that contravenes the license thingy. Hehe on a technical note, i dont download the fansubs, i dont know how! im a bit Hideki at times! i just watch them when somebody else happens to want to share them with me.
Anyway having the actual product itself is much better.
KeiichiK1 you said you have over 300 titles, may i ask are they all official releases and not partially identikit bootlegs?
(me and Diazo didnt say anything about an anti-piracy drive, that was somebody else!)
They are all originals, and not the Chinese knock offs either. I've got a huge custom made DVD shelf (about 6 feet long and 6 feet tall) and it holds nothing but anime. Actually, it is probably closer to 400 (possibly even 500), but I do not feel like counting them.

Scanlations are typically fan translations of issues of the manga that have NOT been released yet to the English speaking world. Since I know I'm gonna buy them anyway as soon as they are released, I don't mind reading ahead. Besides, sometimes, you'll catch things that Dark Horse left out or "Americanized" too much. I prefer having a book in my hand, but the translation is usually more acurate with the scanlations.

man I just realized this thread was hi-jacked and because of me
at least I got a new avatar out of it
if you think the thread has diverted too much, just say so Diazo and we'll get back on track. you are the thread starter afterall so you at least have a say in it! ^^:)
to tell you the truth I think its kind of cool when a thread goes off track for awhile. I think it keeps things interesting
Well, for people who are new to a thread or even the site it can get confusing. Don't get me wrong, I used to do it all the time too, but it's best if you try not to do it too much.

But anyway, from the AMG angels I kind of prefer Gorgeous Rose. Don't know why, I just think she's cool. World of Elegance is so too and eventhough I like Urd best, Rose has my preference.
yeah I know and you have a good point. But as creator of this thread all I was saying is that if the thread mutates into something else then its fine by me. Im not going to get angry over it.

But Ill try and keep it on topic
right on! i totally ok with diverse topics in a thread! i can pretty much talk about anything here on BAF! plus i could go on for eternity if it's about Belldandy! :love:
but ok, as Reiyuka said, it's probably best if we try not to stray too far for the benefit of the newcomers! :)
for the benefit of newcomers like myself. This site is cool, but it is weird! Like those feather things and the titles!
what do u find weird about the feather system and titles? if you tell us maybe we can help u. you only have to ask, we're all very nice and helpful here! ^^
I have just never seen a site like this. It is really fun to earn ranks and to collect feathers. I'm just not sure about the best way to do it. But you are right this site has a lot of nice people on it! Maybe you could give me some pointers.