Anyone who acts like Shinji did in the EoE movie while Asuka was lying there comatose is one sick puppy, and that's just another in the long list of reprehensible actions performed by the main characters of NGE.
Every single one of the main characters is psychologically traumatized in one way or another beyond my capacity to sympathize with them...
That includes Rei... she's a clone designed to basically be a replacement for Ikari's dead wife, and they established that she has a father complex for Ikari, while also having feelings for Shinji, who just happens to be, in the twisted manner of the Evangelion universe, her own son. Sorry, I don't care if someone reaches into your chest and wiggles their hand around, killing everyone on the planet is an extreme overreaction.
Even when they act relatively normal, few of them display qualities that make me consider them good people. Misato comes closest by far, but she's carrying around enough baggage to need her own semi.