yea i suppose, theat's probably why there are so many problems in Irak for example... or maybe i'm wrong but, irakis (is that the word for citizens of Irak? or is it irakian?) or more than fed up with the american ocupation... or no sorry, i'm giving a wrong example... :sheep: Palestine/Israël might be better... since the creation of the israëlian territory in..... 1945? palestinians have been craving for their own territory as well...
oh and papa? race isn't a very apropriate word when you come to talk about human beings... black, white, green, blue, yellow.... whatever the color of the skin, doesn't make diferent human races... actually, the color of the skin is only because of a diferent amount of melanine i think... and that's certainly not enough to seperate the human race in diferent races.... types maybe if you want... but not races...