There's a bit of theory on God.
There we go....
First, God (Almighty, etc) is a not a spirit, but a high level entity (he is in fact an Energy Entity) that has no body, but he can use his powers to create a body (as when he talks to the goddesses by phone).
By default, he uses a similar body, that is the "image source" that he used to make us, humans (mortals), but he can choose the body he wishes to use, the form he wants. Normally he uses his non-body form to rule, since it do not restrict his powers. In case he uses a body, his powers are limited by the resistence of the matter he uses to make the body. This normally is too much for him to rule properly. But to use matter things in Heaven, he needs to use a body (that's why se is in material form when taking to the goddesses via phone).
Another thing, Almighty nas no wings in his default body form, but he can choose to have. If his energy form ever FULLY manifestates in a material world, we will see a white energy trace, not golden.
I won't go too much further if it's not necessary.