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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 03:51
Belldandy Gift

Have you ever got angered at or hated your own race?

Topics Misc Have you ever got angered at or hated your own race?
Yes believe it or not it happens, i've seen it on discussion shows.
have any of you ever feel angered at your own race or culture, even have bitter hatred for it?
You know guys, I can see that there is quite a bit of frustration over the many troubles of life that tend to make us all cry out in anguish and despair. But, since the whole idea of the story of Belldandy and AMG is about love and companionship, perhaps we should let this topic go. This site I believe, was constructed and resurrected to be a sanctuary, albeit temporary, sanctuary from the horrors and frustrations of reality. So that we could gather together from whatever part of the world and from whatever race to gather as friends and enjoy each other's company over a subject that we enjoy in common. While I admit that this topic is interesting, as our others, I think that if we dwell on the negative side of life here frecquently, we will only end up destroying the positive atmosphere that we hope to build up as we gather here. Think about this for a bit. And if there are some problems anyone wishes to discuss, perhaps we can talk about them away from the forums. Not trying to preach or sound condescending. I just foresee problems ahead with these kinds of subjects in the forum. Forgive me, I'm not speaking as someone having authority, I'm just a caring friend.
I interpreted this site as a place for fans to meet. That shouldn't restrict people from only discussing the show and topics that are related. It is just as interesting to see user's opinions and thoughts on subjects outside AMG.

Mind you, this is only my prespective, the creator might have had different ideas.
Actually, I believe that is EXACTLY what Gabriolis intended, and rather than having him or Nes get involved in closing this topic.,I'm asking nicely for you all to consider what subject you put up in the forum's carefully before some course of action occurs. Opinion's of all kinds are respected, but certain subjects are best left for certain websites. And BAF IS an AMG appreciation website.
>> consider what subject you put up in the forum's carefully before some course of action occurs.

I agree that threads of a hateful nature are unnessesary.
If that what you meant?
I'm not trying to argue with you, I just want clarification. ^^
i think it's also a place where people can come and ask quesions they are curious about, like this one, sometimes people aren't comfortable asking friends or family questions so they turn to their trusted internet buddies!!!

I have hated, not people really, but ideas. I hate the republican ideas of "I'M important, more important than you. why should i help you if you cant help yourself" type of things. they always seem so negative
My whole reason for saying anything about this topic is that before BAF closed, a few subjects had been closed in the past and a few people have been banned over questionable subjects that brought up a negative response. Some things are not always appreciated by others. I'm just watching out for you guys. Whatever you decide, is up to you. Like I said, I'm just concerned. I'd rather say something than not at all.
Um perhaps next time it is best to mention this kind of thing in a private email to whome ever posts a forum. I don't like sounding blunt, but this does make things rather akward for everyone else, and most likely for whome posts a forum that may not be seen as fit for discussion.

I just feel bad and I dont want anyone feeling upset ^-^ as you said this is a sanctuary ^-^ lets treat it as such.
i never thought my thread would cause such a ruckus, maybe i shouldnt have stated it.

i just want somewhere to express and release my pain, i dont want to join some help forum because i dont know the ppl there, and i dont want to discuss it with my family. At least here i know the ppl wont see me as a loon.
I agree with Keiichi-K1.
However, one suggestion;
Why not have just one thread where anybody can offload, amongst friends, where anybody can bare their soul, and even ask for guidance if it's needed? All the sad, gory, nasty stuff that belongs to the outside world could be confined to this thread, and this thread alone. You could even call it "Daily Rant"!

I think its a good idea Oni, but once again it comes down to the fact that this site is AMG and its ment to be light hearted. But then we get the side that asks for free expression ^-^ because that is the oint in having a good forum ect. So its a bit of a toss up, haha it reminds me of the government system ther are always groops fueding over the way things should be run ^-^ I hope we can al come up with a compromise of some kind.

Please don't feel bad K1, there's nothing wrong with wanting to let off a little steam ^-^ its perfectly understandable to not want to feel alone in a single situation. In my case I have never felt any anger towards my race because there are always 3 sides to a problem, yours theres and the trueth. My origins are in Lebanon so that makes me lebanese (arabic language) and for those that follow the news, lebanon is pretty messed up ^-^ its a beautiful country but theirs alwayy suicide bombings and protests, just a few months ago our prime minister was killed. and hardly 15 years ago Lebanon was in a civil war because of the government system (christians were over powering muslims in the government which lead to a domino effect of problems) I love my origins but its sad to see them fight over things i see as trivial and excessive.
what I dont like in our race is the 'crab mentality' syndrome. It means that if somebody gets sucessful, others will gonna pull you down so that your level will as higher as they are. I think thats the main reason why this country still dont go up...the only things that go up in here is the gasoline, veggies, fish, meat, crimes, dollar rates, etc...plus, add the 'wiretapped tape case' and these things can get more higher...:p
..... well... i for one do NOT have television at home, and frankly, i really don't miss it even though some people say "my god! no TV!!!! that must be hell for you! and blablabla..." (it's been more than 2 years now... almost 3)
though even if i did have TV, i wouldn't want to watch those crappy talk shows where people expose their life to millions of other people (who cares about their life, i have enough of mine already!)
but oh well...
i don't see the merit of this kind of thread... i mean... yea you can be really depressed now and then and hate the whole world for what it is but... guess what? it's not gonna change for the time being....

QuoteWhy not have just one thread where anybody can offload, amongst friends, where anybody can bare their soul, and even ask for guidance if it's needed?

you can do that on another site, the shoutbox or the chat, it's your choice...

after all.... BAF (Belldandy Angel Feathers) is a place to get away from everyday life and chill out with some friends... choose some better subject of conversation please in the future... -_-
Perhaps its best I clarify my words from
earlier. First, I respect yalls opinion's very much. I also like every one of you. I really have nothing against you wanting to voice an opinion. I also have nothing against any of yall ........PERIOD. If ANY of you are hurting and need to talk, please do, because we ARE friends . While this is not a help site, we ALL take care of one another. And that is ALL I'm trying to do here. We all deal with those who hate and hurt us. And in times of pain, we all need a friend to help get us through our worse times. We also need a friend to help us from falling into a trap. What kind of friend would I be if I saw something bad coming and didnt warn you? Not a very good friend. Now honestly. this topic itself is a good one. But being a victim of hate and watching others being victimized by hate and racism, I only saw hurt feelings ahead and possibly trouble with the administration. So as a friend, I only wanted to help prevent that from happening. We are guests in this site, and if any of yall have something to say, then please do so. I'm not trying to lecture or get after any of you. I just RESPECTFULLY, wanted to give you all a heads up that perhaps maybe this topic wasnt such a good idea. But that doesnt mean I dont think you should speak out if something bothers you. In fact, I hope you do. I'm not trying to silence your pain, or hurt any of ya'lls feelings.
maybe i should request this thread be closed, what ya think?