You know guys, I can see that there is quite a bit of frustration over the many troubles of life that tend to make us all cry out in anguish and despair. But, since the whole idea of the story of Belldandy and AMG is about love and companionship, perhaps we should let this topic go. This site I believe, was constructed and resurrected to be a sanctuary, albeit temporary, sanctuary from the horrors and frustrations of reality. So that we could gather together from whatever part of the world and from whatever race to gather as friends and enjoy each other's company over a subject that we enjoy in common. While I admit that this topic is interesting, as our others, I think that if we dwell on the negative side of life here frecquently, we will only end up destroying the positive atmosphere that we hope to build up as we gather here. Think about this for a bit. And if there are some problems anyone wishes to discuss, perhaps we can talk about them away from the forums. Not trying to preach or sound condescending. I just foresee problems ahead with these kinds of subjects in the forum. Forgive me, I'm not speaking as someone having authority, I'm just a caring friend.