I seem to remember reading somewhere, though I can't remember where, that the A!MS manga includes a few Star Trek related cameos (like an Enterprise D model in one of the backgrounds, or some things like that). Does anyone know if this is true, or if Mr. Fushijima has ever watched some Star Trek? (North American TV does make it to Japan on occasion, so it seems quite possible.)
A big part of the reason I ask is because I've been theorising that one of the story arcs in A!MG may have been inspired by a Star Trek episode. Basically, there's a famous original series episode in which one of the characters was split into super-passive and super-aggressive sides that couldn't survive without each other by a transporter accident. Which reminds me a lot of a certain A!MG story arc... (Albeit there are some pretty major differences.)
(Please note that this is in no way intended as a detrimental commentary on Mr. Fushijima's storytelling. Storytellers draw on the stories of others all the time, and the story arc in question was quite good, at least going by the TV adaptation I saw. (I'm more familiar with the A!MG anime then the manga.) I simply find the possibility of a connection interesting.)