Perhaps I'm overreacting a little bit over your comment Reiyuka-chan, but I'm a little concerned. Forgive me if I'm overstepping my bounds, and I hope I'm not offending you by my saying this. I can't imagine exactly what your going through as far as your parents are concerned, but I can tell how much it's paining you, when you write. All I can say is, NEVER let the mistakes from others discourage you from your pursuit of love and happiness. The mistakes of other's, may affect us greatly, but that does'nt mean that the same heartbreak will befall you. Learn from those mistakes, avoid making the same mistakes and remember, your friends and family are always nearby and willing to help. Or at the very least, to listen. DON'T ever let discouragement get to you and rob you of your pursuit of happiness or marriage if later on that is what you wish. Again I'm sorry if I'm blowing this out of proportion and making a big deal out of this. ^_^,