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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:07
Belldandy Gift

Heaven and Hell

Topics Ah! My Goddess Heaven and Hell
Not sure if theres this thread already but for my 10,000 feathers I thought I should make it a thread....Anyone know the requirements to get to "HEAVEN"?

I heard anyone can get into HEAVEN if they change their ways and believe in GOD...and then their sins on earth shall be remove and can enter the kingdom of heaven...

so what about HITLER?
HITLER is not a man....he's a demon!!!
for your question...travel to heaven is a long journey....it's a wide topic...this thread will not make enough space for your question....but for your sake i reccommend you to have faith in God first...just look and you'll find Him....if you'll need some advice i might help you just send me an email....this space is not enough to answer your hearts desire....
This is Hell & when we die we all go to Heaven.Even ppl like Stallin & Hitler went to Heaven.

I think there is a similar thread kei.But Im too lazy to look rite now.:=
QuoteOriginally posted by Goku_B (view)
This is Hell & when we die we all go to Heaven.Even ppl like Stallin & Hitler went to Heaven.

I think there is a similar thread kei.But Im too lazy to look rite now.:=

if hitler go to heaven he will kill us all there.....
My belief in heaven and hell is thus:

Heaven is not a place, but simply a state of acceptance of God after life.

Hell is also not a place, but simply a rejection of God after life. Since this rejection can never be satisfied (God is everywhere, therefore leaving his presence is impossible), it is an undesirable fate.

This belief follows from the assumption that God exists in a timeless state with spacial boundaries that exceed the physical world's. Also, it depends on the assumption that our souls ascend to this state after death. (I've also kicked around the idea that our physical bodies are simply physical manifestations of the soul which still exists on a higher level, sounds a little buddhist though).

That's the theory that I'm running with right now. Feel free to ask me to exapnd upon it. I love a good theological/philosophical discussion.

As for Hitler, I can only assume that he would not have wanted an association with God, given their moral differences....
well, by discusing this you have found the reasions why countrys go to war to others and itself *sigh* there's a story to be told a long time ago in japan when the Eroupons came and showed some of the japanese Cristinanity so then japanese citizens set and clased with the main tridional Budism Budist temples were burned down becaues it was not Cristianity then after the burnigs over 200 people died that night Japan set a force to stop the rebels to the religion. so please if you can try to find more to this story p.s hell is a place it's in America lol^_^
you know - heaven and hell can be anywhere, even on earth so make the best of it and good but let the others do the same without harming! if heaven is the reward for giving a good life then i can never ever believe that someone like hitler of stalin and any other psycho dictator/ leader going to heaven as well for killing millions of ppl without any guilt!!
I'm not sure I like the idea of Heaven being a reward for a good life. I would like to believe that a good life is a reward in itself. If God awards good people with prize of Heaven, why doesn't he just make their lives on earth better and reward them here too? For that matter, why doesn't he go further and punish bad people currently on earth? Hitler never suffered and terrible fate after the evil things he did; instead, he simply committed suicide.

That whole mindset is too retributional for me. I think that if you get into idea, you start seeing successful people as good people and begin to see afflicted people as having done something to deserve their fate.
QuoteOriginally posted by Bdiah (view)
I'm not sure I like the idea of Heaven being a reward for a good life. I would like to believe that a good life is a reward in itself. If God awards good people with prize of Heaven, why doesn't he just make their lives on earth better and reward them here too? For that matter, why doesn't he go further and punish bad people currently on earth? Hitler never suffered and terrible fate after the evil things he did; instead, he simply committed suicide.

That whole mindset is too retributional for me. I think that if you get into idea, you start seeing successful people as good people and begin to see afflicted people as having done something to deserve their fate.
becase life is short& god does not what to take part in any of the human conflects becase there normaly stupied but when the death comes he'll just handle them there with out murcy may it be good or bad
my idea of current heaven and hell. few examples someone told me but i edited them a bit.
hell: when you are in a theater watching a long movie. only 5-10 min left befor end and you really have to go to the bathroom. you know it will take a bit to get there, go and get back but you dont want to miss the movie so you wait till the end.
heaven: when you finally get to go to the bathroom, feels so good:P
(was driving somewhere with someone and we were talking about religon and he said that. made me laugh.
Good point suron; I can fathom the idea that we are more or less on our own while on earth, and that God desires us to strive against adversity for our own benefit.

Another issue, though, with heaven being a reward. Wouldn't a God who is the perfection of goodness, mercy, and love forgive all souls and allow everyone into heaven. Wouldn't Satan himself have been forgiven? How could Hell exist?

Because of this, I reiterate that Heaven and Hell are simply choices and personal stances of people with relation to God.
well has forgiving as are good god is the price is still big so like Clistine he rebled and cosed more than he intisapated
i don't know really cos ppl tend to beleive many different things be them whatever they are - everyone has the right for that as long as not harming anyone eh! but sometimes hell can be reallya lifetime!
Heaven is pure bliss and becoming one with our creator. God is all encompassing whether you are Buddhist, Muslim, etc. Hell is emptiness devoid of love and filled leaving you hopeless. Hitler's past...his mother nearly aborted him. His mother died of cancer, her doctor was Jewish. He was rejected from art school by Jewish teachers, there are probably more episodes that you can look at that explain but in no way excuse his later deeds. Only the Almighty has the right to accept or reject Hitler to paradise. I can go on forever, I had to study this in school. I even wrote a poem. I'll end now tho.
QuoteOriginally posted by nesmaster102 (view)
my idea of current heaven and hell. few examples someone told me but i edited them a bit.
hell: when you are in a theater watching a long movie. only 5-10 min left befor end and you really have to go to the bathroom. you know it will take a bit to get there, go and get back but you dont want to miss the movie so you wait till the end.
heaven: when you finally get to go to the bathroom, feels so good:P
(was driving somewhere with someone and we were talking about religon and he said that. made me laugh.

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously thats HILARIOUS