If you are talking about God of the Bible, then NO. He did not create sin. I do see your reasoning as a great question, I bet a lot of people think about this at one time or another. I asked the question before too.
He created two conscience beings (angels and humans) that became aware of God. Now God had rules and authority over them. Satan did not like that He was over looked, being the highest and most powerful angel, and that the angels worship God not him. This developed jealousy, jealousy develops lust for power, lust for power develops greed, greed develops hate of that which hinders one from getting their desires, and hate commits disobedience. Disobedience is sin. (well.... all those are sinful qualities to extents). As a result, he was and is punished. And he saw man being created in His image and became disgusted and despised us because we, to a degree, reminded him of God. And we are special to Him. He wants to take us away from God. And his influence and lies made us doubt God this caused us to disobey and continue to disobey.
Now before there was creation, there was God. He by Himself in communion with Himself. He does not need anything, to need something shows a dependency on something. Having a dependency on something shows weakness not all powerful. But to want something like a relationship with beings that have the choice to love back totally different then a dependency of Him needing us. How can one truly love if he is not given the choice to hate. By our familiar experiences in life we are taught that everything "came from" something else. Whatever exists must have had a cause that was before it and was at least equal to it, since the lesser cannot produce the greater. If it does the greater's abilities are limited to an extent. And God is considered limitless. Then that is where paradoxes comes to play. I don't pretend to understand paradoxes and their solutions, because they are considered impossible hence the name paradox. But He could possibly over come them some how. He probably will not even try because it would not benefit Him. Any person or thing may be at once both caused and the cause of someone or something else; and so, back to the One who is the cause of all but is Himself caused by none. The human mind, being created , has an understandable uneasiness about the Uncreated.
God called Himself "I AM, That I AM". “That I AM†tells us that nothing created Him. He is that He is. The phrase represents self-existence everlasting before, during, and after time. Now... God created time (I know.. that makes your brain hurt to think about it) But also think about things like this “if you kept going through space it does not end, obviously, if it did then what is there? A brick wall? So then what is beyond that? How can something be endless?†Since He is Omniscient (all knowing) He knows all things even things that will happen, so then he is obviously not hindered by time. So since He is not bound by it, he can go forward and backwards in it if He chooses. This shows that time’s laws cannot be definite to everything, because it cannot make God follow its laws and abilities, so then it had to be a creation of God. To be dependant upon time shows dependency. Everything God is, everything that is God, is set forth in that unqualified declaration of independent being. Yet in God, self is not sin but the quintessence of all possible goodness, holiness and truth. The natural man is a sinner because and he challenges God's selfhood in relation to his own. In all else he may willingly accept the sovereignty of God; but in his own life he rejects it to a degree. For man, God's dominion ends where man's begins. For in man’s self becomes Self, and in this he unconsciously imitates Satan (Lucifer). Satan said "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...I will be like the Most High."
This is where and how the concept of evolution made strong roots in the soil of our society. If you take God out of the equation then man is the ruler of "himself." If there is a God then man has rules to abide by. Man does not like that. Practically every atheist follows this concept, but it may not be directly. If man is the ultimate product, so far, in evolutionary process then it is natural to consider ourselves like "gods" and rulers of this universe. We have the ability to manipulate matter and use scientific laws to our will to great extents. We could easily destroy this planet if we wanted to, right now. That is how powerful we have become. Can any animal do anything close to that? It is obvious that we can tell right from wrong. But there are some harder areas. How does one know right from wrong, especially if there is no God? If there is no God then nothing is wrong and everything is right to one's own laws. That brings forth Postmodernism. But we do know obvious right and wrong because the law of God is written on our hearts, such as don't lie, steal, etc. People say there are no absolutes, that itself is an absolute.
Now back on subject if God was here before all else, always existent, then it is just Him. Sin is something that is against that "which is" ("which is"- is God). How can something be against itself? Now if He "that is and was" created a thinking conscience being given the ability to think for itself the choice to not follow that "which is"- this creates sin which is against God. Before creating us He “was†by Himself and if he did make things before us then they followed His commands. Sin was not existent before choice.
So in conclusion God being self-existent and uncreated, created free-will beings that eventually created sin. He cannot create sin, sin is that which is against, goes against, and is not of Himself. God did not create sin we created sin. I do not see sin as just a thing, it is a result representing a wrongful action against that which is.
A lot of people see God as a bully on an anthill torching people with a magnifying glass. What people need to realize is that most of our circumstances are of our own faults. We tend to look for someone to blame. The mind set is to make your lives on earth the complete focus. Now God does not think like we do, he knows the out comes of events. His focus is on the soul. Of course He does give people things and takes them away if He so chooses. Once sin came into the world it affected everyone with bourdons and pain. It is harder for a rich man to keep his focus on God then the poor. This same philosophy applies to smart people because they become proud of their wisdom. People say that believing in God hinders you from becoming smart, that is the biggest bunch the crud that I have ever heard. It almost makes me laugh. Yes suffering brings forth searching for help. He uses the evil and sin to bring out goodness. If you think that you could do a better job of being God then think about trying to make people love you without conflicting with their free-will, and not buying them with cheat tricks and buying their love with possessions. That does not bring love that beings people looking for their own needs. I'm sorry that I've used mostly nothing but what I believe…. this is my opinion, and I wish people would find Christ before it maybe too late. I am not here to judge, it is not my place to judge; do not misunderstand me. And I also believe there are moral absolutes. So since I believe in possible absolutes I don't wish for people to not disbelieve. I don't not believe in postmodernism view (It is a Very difficult term to define but I will try to simply it.....definition: truth is only truth to one's own belief -same concept with bad-, and certain circumstances of normal do not apply to the bad)
Bdiah I hope you reply soon!