Anything in quotations is from a reserach article I found, and I do give a link to the article so it is not plagiarized. It was more an aggravated response to Chloe than directed at you. Introversy and extraversy are a continuum, you don't necessarily fall into one camp or another. I happen to be more heavily introverted, but still have a few characteristics that are not. It still seems hard to get across that shyness and introvertedness are not completely realted though. As is mentioned in the 2nd article at the end of the last post " Introverts are not necessarily shy. Shy people are anxious or frightened or self-excoriating in social settings; introverts generally are not." If nothing else, all I ask is to for you and everyone else accept this concept . To further quote from athat article :
"Are introverts misunderstood? Wildly. That, it appears, is our lot in life. "It is very difficult for an extrovert to understand an introvert," write the education experts Jill D. Burruss and Lisa Kaenzig. ...Extroverts have little or no grasp of introversion. They assume that company, especially their own, is always welcome. They cannot imagine why someone would need to be alone; indeed, they often take umbrage at the suggestion. As often as I have tried to explain the matter to extroverts, I have never sensed that any of them really understood. They listen for a moment and then go back to barking and yipping."
Reading the other articles, aside from the wiki, clarify that a little bit more. Speaking to another introverted person on the site varified almost everything mentioned, so I believe that you are having a slight disconnect that all extraverts have on the subect. As the articles mention, extraverts have far more difficulty seeing things outside of their own prism, which may also be why you doubt the writer, because it does not fit your own paradigm. You also seem to imply that being introverted is a problem in some way, which I question of you. I still get aggitated by people who call me shy because I don't wish to talk with them. I will say that I am reserved and don't wish to be bothered, which I hardly call 'shy', but I actually prefer face to face conversation as long as it is only with one or a few people.
A quote from the third article is also very descriptive: '
“We’ve all grown up in an extroverted society,†Olsen Laney said. “It really is quite a concept of negativity attached to introverts.â€'
However, I think this tangent has gone on long enough, and that the topic should return to the debate over Heaven, Hell, and the soul, though I admittedly have next to nothing to contribute to that argument myself.