yeah sorry about late commenting, but since it is my 50th post I would like to have it sorted out. I have now thought about how I think about free will all day and here is what I found out when I seeked inside myself.
Well I believe in free will, so that is said. But I have a different point of view about what is free will than the majority of the people. I believe that you don't use your free will very often. Since I mean that free will is either completely free will or influenced (free) will. Our day to day choices I mean we use our influenced will. Influenced will is in my opinion will that is influenced by media, pressure, friends, expectations, a person we admire etc. For my example I am going to use two chocolate bars.
When you choose between two chocolate bars in the shop, you have to think about a lot of factors(coolness,price,pressure,media and more). You can say and I am sure almost everybody does that it is your free will to chose your chocolate bar even with those factors, but there I disagree. Cause the word "free" is in my mind completely free, and "free will", is your mind and choices alone without any influence. A time when I mean you truly use your free will is when you fall in love. You can't decide who you will fall in love with, and when you fall in love you uses what I mean is your free will cause it reflects the true you, and not you trying to do what is right.
Well I see now that I didn't get to explain all I had in my mind, but I hope I have at least managed to show my opinion, even though it is quite blurry