First off, Fizzy, I already mentioned to you the irony of an agnostic having the belief that all humans are good.
Second, regarding the comments of Fizzy and Reiyuka. While I certainly understand and would normally agree with the agnostic view, I find it difficult to reconcile with my general perception of the world. I cannot help but sense that I, and other humans, are not like the rest of the natural world. There is something inherently unnatural about us. Most of this, I personally experience through the exercise of contiousness and rational thought. The sheer fact that we endowed with this ability leads me to the conclusion of something of a soul exists, that is not material in the way we would normally think of. (If the soul is immaterial, it then begs the question of the nature of its existance, which leads to my previous post).
Through this reasoning, I personally conlcude that there has to be a soul, and since the soul exists, it must exist somewhere (obviously not in our 3-dimensional world), and therefore, where it exists must be what we equate with heaven. (This is a similar reasoning to Descartes' "I think therefore I am", which I apologize for. I hate Rene Descartes, but I can't escape paralleling him in this situation).
Third, KSA, I have no idea what you are talking about. You really should post your fanfic in the chronicles so that I can gather a faint idea of what your posting.