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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:52
Belldandy Gift

Heaven and Hell

Topics Ah! My Goddess Heaven and Hell
That's strange since you don't have the info on the "Base Theory" that deals with energy and such, so it's normal to think that way. Just to not stray from the topic, i can post it if someone ever want to know.
whats the base theory...? :inoc:
OKJ, let's begin. The Base Theory that Nyala explains in the fanfic is also named the "Energy Theory". Into this, there are special energy streams that allow higher level beigns to hide from lower level beigns.
In energy level, there's no light like in material planes. In material planes, entities can hide by manipulating some energy streams to make light ignore them. Souls use the first way to remain invisible to us.
The theory itself is longer, I may write it and maybe put it on the chronicles or such, or open a new thread with it if I get some free time from the game and fanfic. It is a little messy to put it here. (as it will sound a lot more strange and ilogical).
Note: Energy Theory on Material Planes only. Energy Theory on Energy Only Worlds are a bit complicated to explain, since there an energy entity do not sees other, it detected other. As Nyala says "Let's not try this, ok?".
Since I adhear to a Agnostic Atheism belief, I am skeptical of the existance of heaven or hell in any regard and prefer to take the scientific approach that suggests that when we die, we just...die.
Never the less, as a hypothetical situation my belief in heaven/hell is as follows:

Hell does not exist, I believe that humans are naturally good. Evil occurs from outside influence and is a weakness of judgement that causes people to become bad. Humans become evil through misunderstanding and misguiding. As such, these people are kept in purgatory regardless of how bad they are.

Heaven exists for those of positive karma.
First off, Fizzy, I already mentioned to you the irony of an agnostic having the belief that all humans are good.

Second, regarding the comments of Fizzy and Reiyuka. While I certainly understand and would normally agree with the agnostic view, I find it difficult to reconcile with my general perception of the world. I cannot help but sense that I, and other humans, are not like the rest of the natural world. There is something inherently unnatural about us. Most of this, I personally experience through the exercise of contiousness and rational thought. The sheer fact that we endowed with this ability leads me to the conclusion of something of a soul exists, that is not material in the way we would normally think of. (If the soul is immaterial, it then begs the question of the nature of its existance, which leads to my previous post).

Through this reasoning, I personally conlcude that there has to be a soul, and since the soul exists, it must exist somewhere (obviously not in our 3-dimensional world), and therefore, where it exists must be what we equate with heaven. (This is a similar reasoning to Descartes' "I think therefore I am", which I apologize for. I hate Rene Descartes, but I can't escape paralleling him in this situation).

Third, KSA, I have no idea what you are talking about. You really should post your fanfic in the chronicles so that I can gather a faint idea of what your posting.
That explanation is a bit strange since it's old. I'll try to make a better explanation of it.
I always wanted to know:

If people are energy, where energy goes when people die?, if
energy can´t be created or destroyed, only transformed.

anyone, please answer me:ugh:
It is difficult to argue whether our mind is natural or unnatural as there is very little known about the human brain at this point in time. In addition, a lot of the information is beyond my comprehension as I do not major in biological science.

Nevertheless I can counter argue on your belief that we have souls. As I'm sure you know, the brain functions on a series of electrical pulses that create our thought process. These pulses generate an electrical field surrounding our brain. This field can oscillate at a given frequency that can cause emission of very low wavelength radio waves. Which technically means that our thoughts can exist external of our body. But, once our body dies, our brains dies with it which in turn obviously doesn't produce anymore electricity. Although the residual radio waves exist they become incoherent electromagnetic ripples.

This also answers MK1's question as well.
QuoteOriginally posted by MK1 (view)
I always wanted to know:

If people are energy, where energy goes when people die?, if
energy can´t be created or destroyed, only transformed.

anyone, please answer me:ugh:
sounds nice hehehe ^_^ and it's true :P
wow...this topic is getting better and better as time flies by...
QuoteOriginally posted by Fizzyboy (view)
It is difficult to argue whether our mind is natural or unnatural as there is very little known about the human brain at this point in time. In addition, a lot of the information is beyond my comprehension as I do not major in biological science.

Nevertheless I can counter argue on your belief that we have souls. As I'm sure you know, the brain functions on a series of electrical pulses that create our thought process. These pulses generate an electrical field surrounding our brain. This field can oscillate at a given frequency that can cause emission of very low wavelength radio waves. Which technically means that our thoughts can exist external of our body. But, once our body dies, our brains dies with it which in turn obviously doesn't produce anymore electricity. Although the residual radio waves exist they become incoherent electromagnetic ripples.

This also answers MK1's question as well.


but I still think that we have souls (or something like that) , although I can not give solid evidences of that:susp: maybe in future we can reach a conclusion
also, no one can give solid evidence that souls doesn´t exist

and about heaven, I think this pics havesome similarities, not big similarities tough :ugh:

We sure have souls, but i think that mortals will never reach any scientific conclusions of their existence.
I think as Nyala says in that fanfic (exactly as she says): "Mortals won't be able ever get proof of souls since they are entities that are not possible to describle using the laws that rule in their world."
But still, we can argue about their existence...
Im agree with you

so, it can be something ike : humans cant understand the things that they cant see

or maybe, we are in such a level that we cannot imagine what is a soul, reason why people need to deny it
QuoteOriginally posted by Fizzyboy (view)
It is difficult to argue whether our mind is natural or unnatural as there is very little known about the human brain at this point in time. In addition, a lot of the information is beyond my comprehension as I do not major in biological science.

Nevertheless I can counter argue on your belief that we have souls. As I'm sure you know, the brain functions on a series of electrical pulses that create our thought process. These pulses generate an electrical field surrounding our brain. This field can oscillate at a given frequency that can cause emission of very low wavelength radio waves. Which technically means that our thoughts can exist external of our body. But, once our body dies, our brains dies with it which in turn obviously doesn't produce anymore electricity. Although the residual radio waves exist they become incoherent electromagnetic ripples.

This also answers MK1's question as well.

After much delay, I am finally responding. First off, I would point out that by your explanation of the mind's interworkings, and using it to attempt to refute the existance of the soul, you are precluding the possibility of human free will. You can make logical arguments and rationalizations based on our limited understanding of the human mind, but in the end, the existance of creative thought and free will seem logically necessary. (Case in point would be the very in depth discussion of this topic. Very difficult to accomplish in a stimuli-response mind). For those who have been following along, I will summarize my chain of arguments:

1. Free Will exists.
2. Free Will, by its non-physical nature, shows that the mind is not entirely physical.
3. If the mind has a non-physical element, this is satisfactory to identify as a soul.
4. If a non-physical soul exists, it must exist outside of the physical realm. This "place" is what we refer to as "Heaven and Hell".
5. The status of a person in this non-physical "place" is governed by thier attitude to God.

For more details, read back in the thread. Basically, if we have free will, heaven and hell exist (I love how crazy these discussions get).

(This has been edited for clarity)
Sheesh...these discussion is getting deeper and deeper as time goes by...