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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 19:46
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Heaven and Hell

Topics Ah! My Goddess Heaven and Hell
QuoteOriginally posted by Kei_kusanagi (view)
QuoteOriginally posted by nesmaster102 (view)
my idea of current heaven and hell. few examples someone told me but i edited them a bit.
hell: when you are in a theater watching a long movie. only 5-10 min left befor end and you really have to go to the bathroom. you know it will take a bit to get there, go and get back but you dont want to miss the movie so you wait till the end.
heaven: when you finally get to go to the bathroom, feels so good:P
(was driving somewhere with someone and we were talking about religon and he said that. made me laugh.

ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously thats HILARIOUS

>>>yeah...its funny...
well that's true...everytime i got a sure smooth pee....wow it's a grace from above...
QuoteOriginally posted by StarlilyAngel (view)
Heaven is pure bliss and becoming one with our creator. God is all encompassing whether you are Buddhist, Muslim, etc. Hell is emptiness devoid of love and filled leaving you hopeless. Hitler's past...his mother nearly aborted him. His mother died of cancer, her doctor was Jewish. He was rejected from art school by Jewish teachers, there are probably more episodes that you can look at that explain but in no way excuse his later deeds. Only the Almighty has the right to accept or reject Hitler to paradise. I can go on forever, I had to study this in school. I even wrote a poem. I'll end now tho.

I used to hold this opinion and to an extent, still do. Sure God has the right to reject someone, but I don't think he would. It's similar to parents rejecting their child, except that it is a perfect all merciful parent in God, whereas human parents can occasionally be selfish and unloving.
i don't think Hitler will be accepted as a good son...he's a mere and pure murderer...and the bible says that if anyone who is a murderer is a son of the devil who is satan...
Ano na... Hitler was a man who wanted power - you're giving him WAAAAAAAAAAAY to much credit by calling him the son of Satan. He was a genius - an evil genius, but a genius. There's a thin line between right and wrong, you know.

Also, the bible... well, the bible is the only thing that created "the devil" and "hell". Sure you had underworlds in other religions, but those were pretty much the same as heaven (look at the Greek mythology).

The devil was a creature made by the first popes and stuff, who wanted to force the pagans in western Europe to adapt to Christianity. His entire 'appearance', or at least how he is usually depicted, is taken from the god Cernunnos.

So don't think too hard about that.
so...to sum it up...

devils are made by popes who want to convert pagans to christians...wow...interesting...
That's perhaps a too narrow summarisation, Lanz-kun. ^_^ But in a way, yup.
Myself I believe that neither Heaven or Hell exist, it's just a representation of good and evil respectively, the very same ones that live inside ourselves. And God is a Force (or something like that) that guides the souls that choose by the good side. So the souls that chose by the evil side wander around guided by a force that's opposite to the "God" Force. And frequently these two forces try to get sould from each other using distinct means.

If it IS to have a material Heaven and Hell, each could be a dimension or something that way (planes of existence, etc) and both were fighting with their own ways to ensure their ideals (in case, Heaven had the lead of the good and Hell the lead of the evil).

And for Hitler... everyone chooses their own path, be it good be it bad. Choosing a path do not change the fact that someone's deeds can make them a genius. Thus he choose the bad path, this does not change the fact he WAS a genius.
come think of it guys...

reading these opinions are so interesting...
I think as humans, we rationalize heaven and hell to be places entirley separate from earth. I think its easier for us to think of it that way than to consider "Heaven and Hell" as an extension of our current existence. (In fact, I hesistate to use the terms Heaven and Hell for that reason)

I like to think of it this way. If you had a civilization of 2 dimensional beings living on an inifinetly thin plane, they would be completely ignorant of a third dimension. If you pushed a pen through that plane, they would only perceive the 2-D circle created as it passed through their plane. Despite their perception, the pen estends out beyond their world.

In a similar way, I believe that each of us, through our souls, extend beyond the perceived universe. For now though, all we can understand is what our physical bodies exist in. When we die, we perceive our full existence extending beyond this world. It is our frame of mind in this place that determines whether it is a "Heaven or a Hell".

As for Reiyuka's post, concepts of afterlifes, gods, and devils have existed since recorded history in many forms. In addition, these concepts have oft been exploited for the gain of individuals. Despite this occurance, it does not rule out the possibility that such things do exist.

Sorry for the long post, I hope it made sense and that you enjoyed it.
There´s a theory that those " beings" of diferent dimensions have a very high vibration, so we (inferior beings) can´t see or percive them.

Also about gods and demons, some people call "Gods" to which others call "demons" and vice versa

perhaps all were deceived, who knows who was right?
thats the reason why some people are gewtting confused...because they don't know which side is right...
We ppl normally have the vision that Hell is bad and Heaven is good, but is that really right?
If we see Marller for example, she's not really evil, so saying Hell is always bad is wrong. The tirth is that you must not stick to Hell or Heaven, but to Good and Evil, that makes more sense. Each give you a plate full of goodies, you choose the one that is more likely to what you want. and who's right? Well, that is from a point of view. Good is wrong to Evil as Evil is wrong to Good. Hell is wrong to Heaven as Heaven is wrong to Hell, just take your point of view.

Edit: to me, High Level Beigns from Higher Dimensions (Dimensional Planes) do not have a high vibration, but a different energy composition that can't be detected by lower beigns or that don't react with light in a way that they are visible in lower Dimensions.
That's what I think. (Yes, theory from my fanfic, sure.)