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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:27
Belldandy Gift

Please help me to find this song

Topics Amv/Jpop/Kpop/Seiyuu Please help me to find this song
I don't know if i can, but can anybody help me? Recently i watched this amv taken from Fate stay night , can anybody help me to find this song? There are 2 versions: 1 normal and 1 remix; if can, i need all 2:E
Hello Viet! I was browsing this website and saw your new post. I got a lil curious and watched the Amv from Fate stay night (really great video btw). I dont know if u knew it already but the name of the tune is called Evolution from Ayumi Hamasaki (a really great jpop signer ^_^). You can check her discography there : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayumi_Hamasaki_discography. You will find the Evolution song on her single cd called Evolution. I got a couple of remixes of that tune, the original version and the original videoclip. Maybe you'll recognize the title of the remix u need :

1- Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution (Dub's Floor Remix Transport 004) 7:38 min extended remix.
2- Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution (DJ Remon-con Remix) 8:44 min extended remix.
3- Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution (Law Is Q Mix) 4:37 min non extended .
4- Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution (Time Is Pop Mix) Presented by Super Eurobeat 4:28 min speeded up ddr style.
5- Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution (Goldenscan remix) from the Ayu trance album. 3:40 min cut and trance remix.

Of course nothing is better than listening the tunes to recognize the one you are searching ^_^! Here's the deal : since I'm a new member iono if I can share infos of where I got the tunes or wich program u can use to find them but if u cant manage to find those tunes try to Pm me (x_angelgirl) ^_^ and I'll give u what u need.

Well I hope that this helped u a lil!
Long live BAF!! =D
Hi x_angelgirl and welcome to BAF:E
You know, at begin i thought the name song was voyage:sheep:
Thanks for the infos!:Puffy: