Oh man, that sounds so amazing! And I think I know where you live; I used to spent hours dreaming about being in Australia with a big detailed map in front of me. I pretty much know that country by heart.
Well, Belgium's really small, as you might know. It consists of two large parts and one small. Those are the language borders. The big parts are where people speak either Dutch or French, and in the small part they speak German. I live in the Dutch part, in the province of Antwerp, in a small town called Putte. Our house is pretty big in my eyes, but that's just 'cause it's just me and my mom, now with my parents getting divorced and all. We have a huge garden; and I mean huge. My ancestors were farmers, but then rich farmers, they had a lot of land and my gran and grandpa devided that land over their 5 kids.
It's a pretty nice place to live, really. Except that the whole town's constantly filled with gossip. Putte really is a town that wants to act like it's a city. I know it sounds crazy, but that's the best way to describe it. :)