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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:30
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In Japan Maddymouse "SAN" is used for respect much like "sir" or "miss" or " mrs." which you probably already know, Even though most of us here aren't Japanese, the fact that we all like Japanese anime, music, and the language makes it fun to use even if we aren't fluent, although some of us, including myself, are studying the language. It's respectful and fun. I hope that makes sense to you Maddymouse -chan
Oh ,so thats it jimmytheshank- san .
Now it makes sense.Jee i wonder how many people come from australia around here. I mean its the e-net right, so people from all around the world are members.COOL!
Oh and being Belgian is so cool Reiyuka.
I'm glad you think so, Maddy-san. Atleast it's someone. I used to dream of living in this place called Emerald in Australia. It's amazing there. Where in Australia do you live?
oh ok!:)
I live in a little town(sort of little) called cleveland about half and hours drive from brisbane(the capital of QUEENSLAND- the place with the great barrier reef).
Its on the coast line and my house is at the water front.Well its accualy a estate called raby bay, but we live on the waters edge.
Its really cool cos we can keep our boat in the canal.
How about you?
Oh man, that sounds so amazing! And I think I know where you live; I used to spent hours dreaming about being in Australia with a big detailed map in front of me. I pretty much know that country by heart.
Well, Belgium's really small, as you might know. It consists of two large parts and one small. Those are the language borders. The big parts are where people speak either Dutch or French, and in the small part they speak German. I live in the Dutch part, in the province of Antwerp, in a small town called Putte. Our house is pretty big in my eyes, but that's just 'cause it's just me and my mom, now with my parents getting divorced and all. We have a huge garden; and I mean huge. My ancestors were farmers, but then rich farmers, they had a lot of land and my gran and grandpa devided that land over their 5 kids.
It's a pretty nice place to live, really. Except that the whole town's constantly filled with gossip. Putte really is a town that wants to act like it's a city. I know it sounds crazy, but that's the best way to describe it. :)
Ooohh...I like to live in your country! Even it is full of gossips.
I'm sure that's just like pretty much everywhere else. :) It's nothing much, really. I'm very proud of my country, I can't deny that. But little people know anything about it; I've met people who think that Brussels is just the capital of Europe, while it's actually Belgium's capital.
Still sounds like a slice of heaven to me. I live near downtown San Antonio, Texas, and I personnally would love to live by the ocean or near a forest. There's a small city not to far away from here called New Braunfels. It's a city settled by Germans originally and it's well known for it's beauty. I'm thinking of moving there someday. Although if I could, I'd live in Hawaii or Japan.
I hope to move to Japan in the near future. should be fun with the differnent culture and all the anime available :)
Me too. When I have a chance to have a job career, i'll plan to go to Japan. The merchandises in there are cheaper then here.:sheep:
Well, in any case, after I found out that Australia is the country in which the most poisonous animals live, I decided that I wanted to live in the US or England. If I'd go to the US, I'd probably go live in Texas, actually. :) And in England, it'd probably near Dover or Londen.
I don't really want to live in Japan, probably 'cause I don't know Japanese, and even so, I'm guessing that I'd like China better. But when being realistic, I'll probably end up living here in Belgium, though I'd love to travel to all those places.
When I was still in high school, I had dreams of a lot of travel. I still haven't done it yet but I plan to do some cross country travel next year. Texas is ok to live in but it's HOT. I love winter, so personally I think California or Colorado is nicer. England I here is nice except for bad weather. Wherever you decide to go, go where you'll be happy
Ahah, but that's exactly the catch. Where will I be happy? I know I'm not happy here, but I doubt that it's got much to do with the country. Besides, the weather here is pretty bad too, we're across the sea from England so it's pretty normal. :)
I was taught an illustration that fits those feelings well." We are all like baby birds in a nest, we need our parents to help us survive at the beginning of our lives, but as we grow up, the need to fly out into the wide world and live our own lives becomes nescessary in order to live." Still,before "leaving the nest", basic survival skills like" flying and surviving" in this world are important. It may have nothing to do with your location REIYUKA . It's your "instinct" coming into play as you mature, and the natural desire to "fly away". Take your time though, and calculate your steps well.
I always thought he was kinda dull.