Can someone please help me find a new site to post my fanfics?
I would like to find a site that DOES NOT allow the posting of lemons or nc-17 fics. is being a major pain with formating problems, which is why I am posting on Media Miner. But thank goodness they don't allow lemons OR nc-17 fics on their site. Both were banned a long time ago. Media miner allows hentai fic writers to upload nc-17 and lemon fics to their site.
Which is why I am looking for a new fanfic site, I don't want to
associate with a site that helps hentai's get their jollies with
porn fics. So I would appreciate it if someone would help me
i n my search. I am even willing to trade services from my
anime web shop for their time. I design webpages, simple
webpage templates, screensavers, and misc other items.
Just ask if you would like to see an example of my work.
Thank you all in advance...