I kinda have the same problems with ya.. although my back is not in pain. its just I dont look like a stright up person.. i mean ever since I was a kid I kept on slauching, until 'everyody' told me to walk properly or stand up straight..
the most closest and brave enough persons told me that I dont really look good (unatractive/look like sh*t) when I slauch.. so ever since then I practiced having my body up always. then yeah I practiced that for only 4 years now.
but one thing still bothers my image at times when i dont notice, its my body figure (my spine) or my whole body trunk in general 'even if I straight up my body. though i have practiced already the correct up-side body. then i realized that I was tooo late to even try.. my body figure is already different (disfigured if you may think) than reg. people.. its kinda embaressing sumtimes.
(but dont really imagine me as a hunchback, haha, its not like that)
it really shows because where I am, my height is tall for my age. so everybody will notice how my body figures.. :'c saad..
there was some who told me about back braces.. but I dont even like to image myself.. haha