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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:23
Belldandy Gift

Three months to decide

Topics Misc Three months to decide
If i want to have major spinal corrective surgery.

after 5 years of running around the NHS offered me to have an operation to fix my back =p ..... yay i though no more pain and it will make me look much more attractive ^_^

Though good things never happen to me, if they do they have a lot of baggage attached to them ¬_¬

When i was on the bus coming back from hospital i had a think and came to the conclusion that I'm screwed either way, i just need to choose how screwed i want to be =/

So here a few points i listed

1. Have operation

Good points

Back will be straight and will make me look more attractive to the opposite sex ^_^

Bad points

My spine will be ridged and i will lose 80 -90% mobility in my back so i wont be able to bend over much

Riding my motorbike is not recommended ...... if i fell off the impact of hitting the ground would shatter my spine

Pain may not go away

Unable to do many physical activity's or jobs no more airsofting =`[

Recovery time is one year

1-2% of paralysis

2. Don't have operation

Good points

Still have full flexibility in my back

Can ride my motorbike with the chances of death upon impact if i fell off being greatly reduced

Can go airsofting and do other physical activity's such has rolling around on the ground

Bad points

Live the rest of my life in pain and have to take tablets all the time

Look unattractive due to the curve of my back

overall it was my fault putting too much hope it one operation to solve all my problems and i think I'm not going to bother with the operation after all.
I'm also now back to square one and all those years of wearing my brace and going to hospital have been a waste of time =/

Anyway .... i still have 3 months to decided
i hear ya T i got a bad back to due to a work mishap. but mines just 2 impactions of T11 and T12 they called it i think but if the pros out weigh the cons id do it but thats just me. ahh the chance of no pain would be my resson. and to stay off all the pain meds they pump ya full of that keeps ya feeling like you smoked the biggiest joint in the world all the time would be great not to much they can do for mine tell i have a full blow out of my back steroids they shoot in the spine dont help >< lol but what ever you do i wish ya the best of luck man.
I kinda have the same problems with ya.. although my back is not in pain. its just I dont look like a stright up person.. i mean ever since I was a kid I kept on slauching, until 'everyody' told me to walk properly or stand up straight..

the most closest and brave enough persons told me that I dont really look good (unatractive/look like sh*t) when I slauch.. so ever since then I practiced having my body up always. then yeah I practiced that for only 4 years now.
but one thing still bothers my image at times when i dont notice, its my body figure (my spine) or my whole body trunk in general 'even if I straight up my body. though i have practiced already the correct up-side body. then i realized that I was tooo late to even try.. my body figure is already different (disfigured if you may think) than reg. people.. its kinda embaressing sumtimes.
(but dont really imagine me as a hunchback, haha, its not like that)

it really shows because where I am, my height is tall for my age. so everybody will notice how my body figures.. :'c saad..

there was some who told me about back braces.. but I dont even like to image myself.. haha
Having the operation seems to mess me up even more than i am now =/ so im off to some pain specialist and i mite get injections in my spine or some really strong pills >.<

Just a bit annoyed that I've waited all this time to find out that its going to make me worse =`[

..... hmm need to make another thread about an AMG book I've just bought ..... don't know what it is as its all in Japanese, some kind of art books loads and loads of sketches
Thats always a risk, but if that can help you with that pain its a good option, if it was me I dont think I would do it because all that "bad points" in your operation option.