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Sun, 16 Mar 2025 17:09
Belldandy Gift

Samurai Champloo

Topics Manga & Anime Samurai Champloo
I just started watching this today, and it's probably the most unique anime I've seen in a long time. It's by the animators of Cowboy Bebop. It has a hip-hop soundtrack, and the fighting is soo awesome! Mugen fights capoeira style, which is literally combat-breakdancing! And Jin is a master of old-school samurai techniques. When they're not helping out their lady-friend, they seize any opportunity to try to kill each other!

Has anyone else out there seen this?
cooooooooool....sorry for not answering this thred earlier...I didnt see it until I looked around......thats pretty intresting/......from cowboy bebop eh???must be good because cowboybep is awsome!!!!
What the......


that's neat!! doing cripwalks while battling enemies....:bg: cool!
lol you are crazi and no i have not seen it this one over here makes it seem funni
It definitely is funny. ^_^ I watched a few more episodes last night. It's very entertaining. Unfortunately, the characters are barely developed and there's not much of a plot. But it can carry itself with sheer style.
aaaooohhhh! another series i've not seen! i feel so left out!
Don't feel too bad... I get a lot of things on Chinese DVD... oh yeah, you could get KKJ on that! The downside to it is that the English subtitles suck, and there's no dub track. They translate it from Japanese to Chinese, and then from Chinese to English, and you get the feeling that whoever's doing the translating has a very limited grasp of English, so you kind of have to translate it into real English in your head. ^_^;; It's really only good for shows that are light on plot.
Yeah, if you enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo is highly recommended. Overall, it's not as deep and satisfying and Bebop at it's more 'dramatic' moments, but it's definitely as funny and entertaining and Bebop.
Also, I'm sure a lot of people will find that the characters, while much more shallow, are similar to Bebop characters. Mugen bears a strong resemblance to Spike, both in his design, and his attitude, while Fuu vaguely resembles both Fae and Ed, at different points. Jin, well, has the style of Vicious, if anyone, but is far less, well... vicious. So, a completely immoral Spike, a sort of hyrbid Fae and Ed, and a more scrupulous Vicious...
Replace jazzy sci fi bounty hunting with hip hop samurai action and you've got the formula for Samurai Champloo. It's very quirky, but also highly entertaining.
Yup, that's a pretty accurate review! :bg: *points at Deus Irae* (that's my boyfriend! he gave me the series for x-mas) :bg:
gosh! i cant imagine watching an anime in Chinese! thing is i heard from other websites that the Chinese dubbings are pretty bad, both voices and translation wise.
so can you understand chinese?

!? your boyfriend! wow! looks like we have a pair of lovebirds on the site!
lol, no no... The dub is left in Japanese, but there are two subtitle tracks: one in English and one in Chinese. But the English subtitle track is translated by the Chinese company that produced the DVDs, and they seem to know limited English at best. So you kind of have to learn to translate bad english into good english. Did you read the 3rd volume of Rising Stars of Manga? The subtitles read almost exactly like the lead character of Atomic King Daidogen speaks. Unless of course you get a set of Chinese DVDs after the American version is released; in that case they're ripped straight from the American release. For example: you can get Trigun with sub and dub tracks for around $40 on Chinese DVD as opposed the the $200 on the domestic release. I'm not a big fan of such blatant bootlegging most of the time, unless the American company is price gouging like that.
i never really liked bootlegs, you can watch them and all with ok sound and pic quality, but in the end you feel kind of cheated.
there this time i bought some Love Hina CDs of which i thought were genuine products, i later found out that it was actually a bootleg.
i feel so dissappointed and p*ssed off, i paid good money for it and its fuelling the piracy market. (still it would explain some of the glitches in some of the tracks) ;_;
Yeah, now that I can afford licensed merchandise, I try to stick to that whenever possible. I guess Samurai Champloo wasn't technically a bootleg, though, since it's not licensed here yet...
ok Melichan! you enjoy go ahead and enjoy it!

on the thing about bootlegs again, fansubs of unlicensed anime are ok and should be free. But if people are charging others for it then i think that's not very fair on the people whose welfare is dependant on the sales of the official stuff, plus the fact its ripping off the people that brought us the wonderful anime.
Right, you make a very good point. The majority of fansubbers only charge for the material the media was printed on (video, cd, or dvd), and won't do licensed series. And now companies like overstock.com make the licensed stuff so affordable, I rarely find a reason to buy bootleg anymore. I know this can be a tender subject, though, so I started a poll about it! Now everyone can express their opinions about it without getting into a giant argument. ^_^;