Yeah, if you enjoyed Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo is highly recommended. Overall, it's not as deep and satisfying and Bebop at it's more 'dramatic' moments, but it's definitely as funny and entertaining and Bebop.
Also, I'm sure a lot of people will find that the characters, while much more shallow, are similar to Bebop characters. Mugen bears a strong resemblance to Spike, both in his design, and his attitude, while Fuu vaguely resembles both Fae and Ed, at different points. Jin, well, has the style of Vicious, if anyone, but is far less, well... vicious. So, a completely immoral Spike, a sort of hyrbid Fae and Ed, and a more scrupulous Vicious...
Replace jazzy sci fi bounty hunting with hip hop samurai action and you've got the formula for Samurai Champloo. It's very quirky, but also highly entertaining.