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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:57
Belldandy Gift

Chii and chobits...

Topics Manga & Anime Chii and chobits...
Chii is a persocom and Hideki is human...different yet love is between them

Are persocoms better than real females?:sheep: ._. -_-
(the biggest question of Hideki's sensei)

Hideki's a better friend even a parent....because he's afraid of being thought as a PERVERT or hentai (even if he has lots of hentai magazines)
:cens: :cens: :cens: :cens: :cens: :cens: :cens: :cens: :cens: :cens:

Chobits-a historical and hard to find persocom
Chii- a cute persocom that Hideki found on the garbage dump

Chobits Op. theme "Let me Be With You" is really a good song
Futari ga kitto deaeruyouna mahou wo kakete
Ryoute wo sotto kasanetehora hohoemukara
(Translation:To make sure the two of us meet, I cast a spell
Our hands are gently touch, and then look at me smile):love:

Honto no kimochi kitsukanai furishite
Totsuzen futari koi ni ochitano
(*We pretend not to realize how we really feel
And suddenly, we fell in love):love:

:love: Let Me Be With You:love:
:love: Let Me Be With You:love:
:love: Let Me Be With You:love:
Dakishimetaino(I want to hold you tight):love:

All about Chobits!!!!:bounce:
Here are some pics of Chii..

I think that Chii is an adult human but with a brain of a kid, right?
Chii is a unique "Persocon" - Personal computer, which we find out is known as a "Chobit". When Hideki finds her in the trash and finally activates her she has no memory and can only say chii. I thought this was a good story, beautifully drawn , and the theme song "let me be with you" is on a cd in my truck I like it so much.
Chii is too cute to be true. No wonder Hideki got embarressed by her so easily.
I really love the drawing style, like Lionfish-san. I don't know much about the story. I think I once read the first manga, but that's it. One thing bothers me a little about it -though it can't be helped- and that're Chii's eyes. She looks...dead. Naturally, she isn't really alive, but it gives me such a weird vibe...
I hope I'm making any sense, and if I'm not, oh well.:)
i saw some episodes of the Chobits Anime didnt like it so much but iam reading the manga in swedish and enjoys that alot for some reason. Anyone who have read and watched the anime, is the manga alot different from the anime or ? O.o
I think the story of Chii gets complicated when she was kidnapped by someone who knows Chobits and the lady who is the Supervisor of Hideki's appartment knows it coz she uses some supercomputers to track Chii, but the lady supervisor just said "Chii, I'm sorry..I'm not in the right place to interfere.."
so she just let Chii be kidnapped:sheep:

I'm a little confused about that episode:heh:
Well according to the manga, before Chii was found by hideki, she have a twin 'sister'(black Chii). her sis fall in love with her maker, which happens to be the landlord's husband. Knowing that her maker loves only his wife, she kept to herself till she got damgae beyond repair and chii, in order to preserve her sis memory, transferred aher sis data into herself and attempted to reboot herself. before she reboot herself, she told the land lord she did this in order not to follow her sis footsteps. she then requested that after rebooting, she is to be left some where esle; anywhere but home and that both her maker and his wife will not look for her due to the fact that Chii will lose her memory after rebooting and she do not want to remember her past lives so as not to fall in love with the landlord's husband and let history repeat itself
thx for the info holy bell:) really..how amazing Chii has a twin sister...but Chii is starting to get closer, i mean really close to Hideki and his heart's feelings...Hideki's getting confused if he should treat Chii like a real Human girl or just a machine..:sheep:

(history is reapeting itself...)
Not really repeating, Chii's ending is a lot more happier than her sis's
Really HolyBell????:wow: you do know how it will end??

oh pls. tell me coz I've missed some of the episodes near the end...:sheep:

did Chii and Hideki fell in love w/ each other???
who's the guy who kidnapped Chii??
what happend to the Lady land owner??
Gomen ne sai HolyBell san, if i have so many questions:sheep:
okay, let's see. In the anime, when Chii recognise Hideki as her " only person", her sister personality emerged and had a conversation with hideki on their history( the one i posted up earlier). Then the landlady, who was in her lab monitoring the situation rushes to the scene. There Chii's sis requested to be formatted of all memories. After some hesitation,Hibiya ( the land lady) said the password (chobitsu) and commanded the formating. despite hideki attempts to call chii back, there is no response. finally, hideki requested the land lady to tell Chii that his memories with her are happy etc etc. strangely enough, though chii is formatted, she started crying(i have not idea how this persocon did it) and reverted back to chii and ran to hug Hideki. from then on life reverted back to normal and u also get to see the other characters living happily ever after.

For the manga, everything pretty much the same with Hibiya rushing to the scene. However, instead of formatting, Chii's sis emerged and proceed to sort of test Hideki. After finding that hideki do love Chii, she request that hideki looks after Chii and her personality disappear after that. then they live happily ever after. You also get to see 2 pages of Chii and Hideki wearing a pair of rings( CHii is wearing it on her wedding finger, while hideki, who is afraid of losing it as he works in a resturant and have to do the dishes frequently, attaches the ring to his keys).

Think that's about it.
Thank you very much HolyBell84!^_^ i really appreciate you telling the story near the end:) Arigato gozaimasu!!!:)

now i know what happened next to what i watched:)

thx again HolyBell:):):)

Chii somehow transformed into a human being'coz of Hideki...
its really impossible for a Persocon to have tears...:sheep:
Please mention that you're giving away sooo much info. lol
Some sort of spoiler label.
Not that I want to sound like I'm griping or snarling at anybody.
But I'm still collecting the anime on dvd.
I have 1, 2, 3, 5. ( i got mixed up as to which ones i had. LOL)
Thank you,