I've grown up with PC games mostly. For some reason Dad thought consoles were zombification machines, whereas PC games had 'redeeming value'. :susp: I guess strategy games are more thought intensive, but it's unfair I think, since there are some challenging console games and more than enough mindless PC games:P Let's see, games I have, simply looking from the left of my shelf to the right:
Command & Conquer: The First Decade (about 9 games or something, and I sample all of them from time to time)
Command & Conquer 3
Dawn of War+ Winter Assault expansion
Medieval 2: Total War+ Kingdoms expansion
Knights of the Old Republic (1 and 2)
Empire at War
Republic Commando
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Oblivion+Shivering Isles expansion (and about 60 different mods := )
World in Conflict
Battle for Middle Earth (1 and 2)
Starcraft+Brood War expansion
Far Cry
The Movies+Stunts and Effects expansion
SimCity 4 Deluxe
and a few others I don't play as often:P I tend to not play any one game for too long, to avoid wearing it out, and try to rotate through as much as I can. I have played console games before when at a friend's house, and I usually surprise them by how quickly I catch on. The first game I can remember playing is either Super Mario Bros. or Duck Hunt when I was about 3 (at someone elses house of course:P).