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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:44
Belldandy Gift

bell doesn't want to kill but she cooks living things

Topics Ah! My Goddess bell doesn't want to kill but she cooks living things
As far as I know, she doesn't need to do. I stick with that theory.
Well.... depends on what you mean by "eat". On some upper dimension the goddesses are certainly consuming something in order to maintain thier 3 dimensional form. When they're cut off from that supply(heaven) in the manga, K1 has to construct another source of energy... apparently sake, ice cream, and tea just aren't quite enough. Maybe it's not what we'd call food, but in reality all matter seems to be little more than energy, so what if we process the energy a little less well.

As far as killing living things, Belldandy sees almost everything as being alive.... animals, trees, motorcycles, stones, the wind itself even....apparently just about everything has some form of spirit. When a puppy enters thier lives and reminds keichii of a puppy he lost as a child, she eventualy gets K1 to realize that's not the end that's important, it's how much you cherish the time you have. She knows everything has it's time, it's purpose, and it's end, and while she dosen't go out of her way to harm things, she's not likely to be opposed to or upset by the necessary actions of the farmers and fishers of the world.
QuoteOriginally posted by lionfish (view)
Well.... depends on what you mean by "eat". On some upper dimension the goddesses are certainly consuming something in order to maintain thier 3 dimensional form. When they're cut off from that supply(heaven) in the manga, K1 has to construct another source of energy... apparently sake, ice cream, and tea just aren't quite enough. Maybe it's not what we'd call food, but in reality all matter seems to be little more than energy, so what if we process the energy a little less well.

As far as killing living things, Belldandy sees almost everything as being alive.... animals, trees, motorcycles, stones, the wind itself even....apparently just about everything has some form of spirit. When a puppy enters thier lives and reminds keichii of a puppy he lost as a child, she eventualy gets K1 to realize that's not the end that's important, it's how much you cherish the time you have. She knows everything has it's time, it's purpose, and it's end, and while she dosen't go out of her way to harm things, she's not likely to be opposed to or upset by the necessary actions of the farmers and fishers of the world.
Nail. Head.
In my fanfic (so the in theory) the eat is defined as "when you consume something material". and material things have energy in themselves, but each entity can absorb this energy differently (for example, Urd absorvs the energy that is in sake better than Belldandy for example). Goddesses when are in their "home" dimension absorb surrounding energy to keep alive, they do not "eat", they consume energy. Depending of the dimension you are in, and your entity level, you can or can not absorv energy naturally. Goddesses for example cannot absorb energy (for sustance) while in the Earth Dimension, so they need that "alternative source". Some high level entities can "recharge" in any dimension. Remember that we, mortals, are defined as Level 0 entities. Goddesses are Level 4.

I think you ppl must be tired of my theories...
So............I'm guessing that what your saying is Bell won't be a contestant on "Iron Chef " anytime soon huh? :P
Who knows...
animal meats have a lot of parasites....YUcK!!!...so eat meat moderately...eat vegetables a lot...:E
Well well...
QuoteOriginally posted by onehp (view)
Bell doesn't want to kill but she cooks living things such as fishes, vegetables, and bacterium. How can she cook fishes, vegetables, and bacterium yet doesn't want to kill? Explanation please.

>>>>uhhh.....bacterium??? :inoc:
I suppose that can refer to yeast used to bake bread, unless that isn't used in japanese cooking. Otherwise I don't know what dishes would be composed of bacterium either.
QuoteOriginally posted by Nighthawk8799 (view)
I suppose that can refer to yeast used to bake bread, unless that isn't used in japanese cooking. Otherwise I don't know what dishes would be composed of bacterium either.
Meaning, the bacterium that could be on the food already. Haven't you heard of how undercooked meats can be bearers of foodborne illnesses?
Bacteria are alive. They consume energy and expend it. But Bell killed them by cleaning them out in the first season temple episodes and burning (cooking) them. Bell doesn't want to kill anything microscopic or supersized. Explain please?
This is called overthinking something beyond its usefullness. My answer however, is that Bell's ultimate goal is to make Keiichi happy. In the end something has to die in order for human beings to eat, whether it be plant animal, or bacterium. A lot of bacteriums are destroyed by the digestive process anyway, and those that aren't could harm anyone who ingests them leading to food poisoning. I think Bell is willing to sacrifice microscopic non sentient beings for Keiichi's happiness and health, or she doesn't even think about it, or you have found a gap in Fujishima's stroytelling. Either way I doubt is something even her creator has thought about, or has written about in great detail, leaving it to theory and speculation which I don't particuarly like dealing with.

I won't be looking at this thread again, because I find it pointless, so whatever brilliant comeback you have will fall on deaf ears. Have a nice day :E.
lots of bacteria make you ill or even kill you if it was one of the bad ones so if she did'nt kill them then they would pose a threat to Keiichi or other people. something like that.

its a kinda hard question to answer =/
for a sec there I got the mental image of bell-chan with a big hunting knife stalking some poor creature in the forest XD Yes as far as bell is concerned everything is living from the fried shrimp in your meal to that engine in the car. She's aware that because they are lower in the foodchain she doesn't really get really depressed over it. imo