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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 21:51
Belldandy Gift


Topics Ah! My Goddess Immortality
EH!!!??? look at that avatara!!!!! *faints*

Kissu!!!! they kissed in the TV SEIRES!!!!! ^_^ awww big spoiler for me T_T_T_T_T..LOL!!!!!!!
LOL, that's right Kei, they kiss, can't for the life of me figure out what episode this is but it's one of the ones in which they do...

(P.S: what do you guys think of the new sig?)
i think most likely if Mr Fujishima does decide to end the manga series, it will end in an open happy ending. None of that Belldandy giving up her goddess status or Keiichi being immortal stuff, just the status quo. Few anime or manga series gives a terminal ending with the exception of the likes of Neon Genesis Evangelion.
True, AMG doesn't have the air of fatality that follows a series like NGE or blue gender for example.
Most likely it will be something that leaves the audience with the 'warm fuzzies', although I do think that Bell abandoning her divine power for K could achieve that effect....
QuoteOriginally posted by Kei_kusanagi (view)
EH!!!??? look at that avatara!!!!! *faints*

Kissu!!!! they kissed in the TV SEIRES!!!!! ^_^ awww big spoiler for me T_T_T_T_T..LOL!!!!!!!

>>>waaahhh... T_T T_T T_T


well i think the creators can't just make the manga series come to an end bcoz the concept of the characters are immortal or for eternal life...being one of the heaven personalities means your from eternal to eternal...meaning there's no way death will be a matter. so i just wanna say that the AMG will be a series forever.
are anyone think in the posibility of reencarnation?

think twice, bell knew K1 when they were children, he could see her through the history. Bell could decided reborn like herself all the time, because the time not exists for a goddess. When K1 and Bell meet again the wish is the clue that opens the love between their all eternity. The contract could be renewed by a prove to k1 and his reencarnations through the wish.

This posibility make possible to him get bell forever, without break the equilibria between goddesses and humans (remember that mr fujishima puts the doublet principle for goddesses and demons)

See ya
your saying that Bell will stay with K, finding him out every time he reincarnates.... interesting idea, opinions everyone?
That would be nice.And it's kinda interesting too.
that'll gonna make another series...
what's about reincar? tell us the details about it..
reincarnation is the process in some religions (shintoism, taoism, buddism etc) by which the soul of the deceased person rejoins the Tao (I use this example because I'm a taoist) and is then reborn to a new body/form.
I like the idea that the way Bell/K's orignal contract keeps repeating itself even when they are seperated has been used as proof for this theory, the idea that Bell will find herself drawn back to him every time he is ready to meet her again ^-^, I can definately see a series continuation in this, new boy has dreams of Bell, meets her and is suitably freaked out, issues of wither she loves him or his past self etc, throw in Urd and Skuld and it's gonna be hiliarious lol
hey neon you're from england right? i've read your profile, and england is a protestant country. but wat i like to say is that in Love there's no theory basis.
Love haven`t got any theories, but Mr. Fujishima uses some part of varios myths to explaain the universe (the norns is from scandinavian mythology, Marller come from budhist mythology, Morgan LeFay comes from Celtic Mithology, we see in the series the use of christian icons, etc) The existences of a universal love makes posible the reencarnation. I dont wanna link the histoy with some drama like AIR TV, but the posibility to renew the contract with the reencarnation of K1 is a good end of the series, with all the drama and the spiritual happy ending that we wanna see in the histoy.

I must tell that Mr. Fujishima Rules about OMG Universe is very complicated, but i don`t see another scape to make a posible finish, the idea of make another series with new situations is very interesting.

I think there must be any movie of the end of AMG. I think at the end of the series, the unlucky star over the destiny of K1 need to equilibrate the happiness of K1 with a big sadness (because is not fair that humans got big luck) This star has got a Goddess that need to make the equilibria over the destiny of the humans, adjusting counts with demons and goddesses (the goddess will revive an ancient monster, like a killer goddesses and demons, and we see scenes that it kill demons, and in another place, a goddess die by the douplet principle, Skuld is in danger and Bell and Urd, and Hild try to save her) and with this distraction, the goddess make pay K1 for the disequilibrium in the happiness, next we could see K1 in coma by an accident that bell cannot make anything. I imagine the situation that bell use a mandala to fly at the doors of heavens to huge the spirit of K1 before he cross the gate of the death and, defying God, K1 coming back to his body and resucitate by the love of Bell. K1 knows that is defying God and the punishment of Bell is die, K1 understand everything and decides to die to reborn and meet bell again to revive the eternal love that they got. God could access with the condition of make the wish at the first met. The Goddess of the unlucky star take account of this and dissapear in the stars convinced that she can change the luck, but she cant defeat the real love.

This is a good argument for a new movie, maybe we must change the finish for a happy ending, don`t know, but i like the idea of a renewal of the history, that make a big finnish.

Well people, i write to make opinions, are anyone who want to talk about this ideas?

very long explanation ara...