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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 03:44
Belldandy Gift


Topics Misc CRASH!
I was on my way to school, when suddenly it happened... I got into a skid, while breaking and ran into the car in front of me. I pushed him some 5 meters away, and when he braked, I smashed him once more and remained that way . No one was hurt, but the car took some serious damage, that is not that obvious from these images, but if you opened the hood... It'll take me a weeks to repair it! [But first I have to order some spare parts... like cooler, suction filter and so on...]... This will happen if you don't rub off protecting coats from new tyres fast enough... I bought them just a few days ago, and I guess I was too used to those old ones and I was a little careless with the new ones...
The good thing about it was that the man I crashed into is a friend of mine, so he didn't take it like a tragedy after all.
Here you can find photos if you like:
http://www.freewebs.com/ortherion/chronicles.htm :cry:
Well thats good that the guy is ur friend ^^ and also luckily you both are okay :)
you had a nice car before crash ^^
Always remember .... when your wheels are locked take your foot off the brake and re-apply firmly.
skidding is less effective than hard braking i know since i had a go to see the difference =p

Though yesterday on the way to college a woman tried to cross breed her car with my bike ...... but we all know that isn't possible ..... i should of knocked her wing mirror off for nearly running into the back off me ¬_¬
Well, I wheels were not blocked, you know, [I have ABS and it worked great] but I had no grip and I guess under those conditions I could use a 4 meter longer breaking track to fully stop.. which I didn't have :D

Hmm nice bike btw. You can be happy that nothing happened at all. To be ran over by a car is an awful experience...
^_^ ..... though some work and a lick of paint and your car will be looking like new =p ..... get down to a breakers and get some second hand parts cheap =p

I'm looking into starting a bike project, looking for a cheap Honda CB400 super four, want to strip it clean it turn it into a cafe racer ..... pass my bike test and then go for a cruse with my mates.

Though I've only got one bike buddy left =[ ..... the others have got cars now. =/
shame my dad gave up riding bikes ..... would of been nice to go for a ride round with him up on the fells in Cumbria
Yeah... maybe.. I was talking with a friend who runs a garage today and parts will be available just next month 18th. [But the price of approximately 1000 USD is really painful]

I know what you mean :) I was wondering about buying a 2002 Fireblabe CBR RR 900 from my brother-in-law. But this incident will surely affect my budget, so thats not gonna happen for next 3-4 months :(
I think that car is a Mitsubishi Colt, vs a chevrolet Corsa, both cars doesnt look very bad after the crash, very sad but is good to know that no one was hurt, I dont have car yet, there are many reason$ that Im not going to di$cu$$$, but actually I dont want a car, I also want a bike, sadly in this city seems most drivers really like to hit all the bikes that they see, so all my family is against me.....
Always remember people ...... "Only a fool breaks the two second rule"
Another way of putting it is .... "Only a cunt hits the car in front"

LOL my family was against me getting a bike .... so i waited till i was 18 and got one =D ..... they were so pissed when i came home on it ^^

Same with me MK1 I'm not a fan of cars and prefer bikes and i will be riding bikes until i die.
Though i love how my bike does 80 miles per gallon and how fun it is lean really far over round corners, also parts are really really cheap and are easy to fit myself saving me more money insurance was cheap as well =D

It is a shame there are a lot of idiots out there who look but don't see =/ ..... the area were i live is normally full of bikes, especially in summer as they all go down the Squire cafe. due to this there have been a lot of bikers who have been killed.

A year or two ago a biker was killed about 200 meters from my house and last year one was killed a mile away when a bus decided to do a U turn in the middle of the road =s .... the guy had just picked up his bike after it had been repaired and his sister was driving behind him when he was killed =/
Though i would rather crash on a bike than be trapped in a car =o .... but that's just me.

One thing you have to think about is that life its self is dangerous i could die riding my bike or i could die falling down the stairs in my house.
other reason why i think bikes are better than cars is that if the person on the bike acts stupid and reckless on it there is a high chance that they will crash and die and so they wont be around to act like a tit and do it again, but in a car if you a tit who has no respect for anyone else and drives like a nutter the chances of you dyeing when you crash are a lot lower and so that person is alive to be a total git and crash again.

I know this because all the chavs drive around in there shitty pimped up cars and act like fools .... but unfortunately the innocent people end up getting hurt and they get away without a scratch, i nearly got run over in the college car park due to some git not giving a damn a about me =/

ooo look at all the rubbish I've just written when i should be doing some work ¬_¬

"MK1" if you want a bike save up some money and go get one, its your life its not good getting something you don't want =o
Yes, Im going to get a bike no matter what, but I need to save up a lot of money to buy the one I like...:emb:
Always remember people ...... "Only a fool breaks the two second rule"
Another way of putting it is .... "Only a cunt hits the car in front"
;_; I kind of agree.

BUT: don't think of me that I'm some kind of irresponsible driver. I'm not a street racer. I strictly obey traffic rules. I made a mistake, I'm fully aware of that, but sometimes it just happens. I'm a cyclist, so I've some experience with drivers as well. And I very well know the point of view of someone who's not the strongest on the road.

And the reason why I spend my time on things like that is not because I want actually make an impression or whatever, but because I like creating. And repairing. I had the honor to witness recreation of numerous veterans like Austin Healey 3000 1960, Tatra 87, or Octavia 985... I love wonderful machines and it's the last thing on my mind do drive them carelessly and risking a destruction of such beauty.

This is just the first car I dared to experiment with by rebuilding. And more importantly the thing that makes it special is under the hood, out of sight, not the appearance. If you mean to call that shitty, your choice...
You can think whatever you want of me depending on looks of my car, but the looks of one machine is insufficient to make a judgment of a person.

I got my lesson, And this WONT happen again...
It really pains me that the thing I put so much effort into was ruined. :( And no one has to remind me that.
Your car is nice, its the cars that people have modded to hell that I'm talking about, such as the chavs at my college ....... there 1 litre cars with huge exhausts on the make them sound loud

When i mean shitty this is what i mean ...... http://www.chavscum.com/cotm/details.php?image_id=4969
WHAT THE....?! Holly GOD!
This is seriously dangerous for ones eyes!
BTW I'm sorry that I got so carried away. I took those few lines of yours very personally. :) No offense.
No problem =p ..... i wasn't trying to direct my comments towards you. its just my country seems to be overflowing with chavs with there boy racer attitude, most of them walk around with knives as well ¬_¬

At some traffic lights some chav tried to race my mate on his motorbike ........ which was a Suzuki hayabusa ..... but he is too sensible to do that sort of thing =p
I'm sure the guy who owns the second car thinks he is the coolest thing ever to have a 7 foot tall cardboard spoiler on his 80's studentmobile :p Nice detailing as well :susp: Was Fast and the Furious big with the chavs perchance?

I think the SoCal version are the usual rich kid gangsta wannabes. They all seem to drive white Ford Excursions with gold trim and gold spinners. God I hate spinners. Well, those who don't drive Beamers and Mercedes-Benz. If you drive one of those, it means you don't have to obey traffic laws apparently.