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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 10:44
Belldandy Gift

Favorite Romantic Movies of all sorts

Topics Misc Favorite Romantic Movies of all sorts
As we are all Ah! My Goddess fans here, I am willing to bet that everyone here has, in some part, a romantic side (hopeless or otherwise). I love watching a good romance, whether it is a serious drama or a romantic comedy (if it's well-made). After scouring through the threads, I believe there previously was a favorite movie thread, but not one specific to romances. So yea, anyone care to share some of their favorites? I'd love to hear recommendations for good movies.

Here are some of my favorite romantic movies. Some of them might not be true romances, but it is the romance in them that I like:

The Girl Next Door
Not only did I think this movie was hilarious, but I love it because to me, it's like a modern day fairy-tale-ish love story that one can still believe in it happening.

Great romantic comedy. In a time where Hollywood keeps on making these types of movies, I thought this one really set itself apart. Just this whole fate and chance theme is intriguing and the characters were lovable too. I wish more romantic comedies nowadays were like this.

Little Manhattan
A seriously cute movie. Everyone can identify with the characters. *Sigh* Who can't remember their first love?

City of Angels
A definite tear jerker but wow...what a touching story. Also has that angel and human romance going on that might appeal to AMG fans (albeit the angel character is switched).

Love Actually
Love this one just cause it covered all sorts of types of love. And it was hilarious.

Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind
Definitely one of the stranger movies out there, but I definitely consider it a romance about a guy rediscovering love with someone.

Notting Hill
Every man's (modern day) fairy tale comes true.

Garden State
Just feel in love with Natalie Portman's character. Seriously re-defined the whole "girl next door" thing.

Il Mare
The Hollywood remake is nice, but it just can't duplicate the deep feel of the original.

My Sassy Girl
As if I didn't like Ji-hyun Jeon enough after watching Il Mare, I absolutely fell in love with her after this movie. One of the best romances ever made globally.

And lastly.....(saving the best for last)

Before Sunset and Before Sunrise
Two movies I know, but you simply cannot watch one without the other. Quite simply the best contemporary romances ever made. Not everyone will like it because some will say nothing really ever happens, but the great part in these two movies is in the conversation. If you hopeless romantics out there haven't heard or seen these two movies, I absolutely recommend it.

*phew* That was a bit of typing. That's all I can think of right now. I'll post more if I can think of any great ones (and if this thread doesn't die...heh). I'd love to hear what anyone else has to say.
Romantic films?Oo
Well...is very difficult to maake a list with comments and spoiler...
Until i haven't a gf to watch with her;_; i won't watch them
I suggest that all of you check out the swedish film, Fucking Åmål.
I've never felt such a strong feeling towards a film since I first watched the AMG OVAs.
Oh no Viet80, I'm not expecting anything as complicated as what I wrote. I just have a tendency to write a lot, that's all. Any simple movie suggestions is great.

Fizzyboy, do you think I'd be able to find that movie online somewhere with subtitles? I'd be willing to watch.
Well.... ^_^ my favs are for example "Moulin rouge" and "Shakepere(i don't know how to write) in love"
QuoteOriginally posted by arai_wah (view)
Oh no Viet80, I'm not expecting anything as complicated as what I wrote. I just have a tendency to write a lot, that's all. Any simple movie suggestions is great.

Fizzyboy, do you think I'd be able to find that movie online somewhere with subtitles? I'd be willing to watch.

I got mine off the eDonkey network...I'm sure you can find it kicking around on a few other p2p networks as well.
Its' American name is "Show Me Love".

The english subtitled version should be fairly easy to find.
i don't really like watching romantic movies, but from the ones i've seen I really love "sweet november", got a really good acting, but the thing I love the most was the ending, really touching TT-TT