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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 18:03
Belldandy Gift

Psychology Complex: Inner battle

Topics Misc Psychology Complex: Inner battle
Have you ever got the feeling that you are two people rolled into one sometimes? I mean that there are too sides to your being? Maybe we all have a darkside within us. but there are times where i get very angry/annoyed that i think of things i would never dreamed of doing as my normal self.
Sometimes really evil nasty things, its like there are two people constantly battling each other deep within, whoever wins will gain control.
Dont start calling me crazy or anything like that, this is a serious thought.
Is there a subject on this in the vast field of human psychology? and im not talkin about split personalities or schizos!
Yeah, that happens to me also. Usually, it happens when I'm angry, agrivated, or annoyed (which hasn't happened in a long time). But, for me, it only gets worse when i'm not angry for a long time. Maybe it's just the stress buildup and you need the thoughts to calm you down, like one of those clown dolls that you squeeze until there eyes pop out :bash: ... I think i'm going to take psychology next year to find out.
hmm.... i rarely get really mad, but when it happenes, it looks more like a nervous break down than anger really... ^^' i have all these really dark thoughts that i never get in normal time...

there is also the thing about internet. i'm much more outgoing on internet than in normal life (much more)... but that is due to the fact that i am olone in front of my screen and so i feel much more free in my speach... but everyone is like that i guess... it might get on my nerves sometimes to think that i simply can't act in real life as i do on internet, but oh well... ^^ but this can't really be called schizophrena...

hmm... this is pretty interesting... i also thought about doing phycology to know more about human's way of thinking... ^^
i get mad to easy or anoyed at the smallest thing. it really hurts me and others cas it is really hard to be around me because i get anoyed so easily. i wish i was not so explosive towards others but it is hard for me to put up with the crap my friends say, so i just yell back/ kick their ass than leave. i need help:annoyed:
yea we understand that because i kno how you feel because when you blew up on me i was kinda pissed at you i was gonna kick :cens: infact but then your sis told me you where like that but we all understand what you are saying
yeah thats soo true....I do feel that sometimes...hmmmmm maybe all the time....I did somethings that I never thought I would do also....
I feel more like a lot of stuff are a part of me, and I'm a part of a lot of stuff too. I have to admit that I too have 'two faces' at times, even more, it depends with the people I'm with, what mood I'm in, and depending on the situation.

And that's something you should work on, Nes-san. It's really hard, but I know you can do it. Having a temper is a lovely thing; if you know how to handle it.
sometimes i can be so double sided it scares me! i mean at work and out and about i am really quiet and serious (and i do mean seerriiioouuss :sarc: ) but when im at home and with friends im much more open and free which is more like the real me i think.
There's always a place where one is comfortable or uncomfortable, and our actions tend to differ in each situation. I'm a very serious person by nature, but I'm always open and honest to everybody. But when I'm with my friends that serious, honest nature tends to slide to half-hearted insults that we all laugh at. It's not necessarilly being two-faced, not as much as that angry voice that wars against the logical side of the mind.

But as for the "real you", in my opinion, is defined by every action and personality of a person. For instance , Keiichi-K1, your serious nature at work is just a part that is not shown often, or is shown when you know that "so and so" has to get done.

Bah... I'm rambling now. Probably from the six hour, four essay, test I have to write tomorrow... :coffee: :bash:
I don't have a problem with meanness so much as guilt and self-depreciacion, but in that aspect, yes, I've got a double-sidedness. I've suffered from severe depression for years, and that "little voice" that tells me I'm worthless or stupid is one of the hardest things I've had to overcome.

There's also the duality of work/public me vs. private me. Sometimes I feel literally like I'm playing a role in an ongoing TV series at work. "Part of Friendly Librarian #2 played by: Melissa!" Sometimes we have to do it to get by. I see it as a byproduct of learning that not everyone is good in the world. The people we trust see the "real" us, and the rest of the world gets to see only what we choose to let them.

Or, option number three, you're a Gemini. :sweat:
yea at times we can hold it in but then there are times when you can't and it irrtates you so much you get pissed and just leave not carring about it because it made you mad
actually Melichan i am a Gemini!
I have two sides to my personality! the usual me:) deals most of my normal living while big brother Dark-K1:sarc: takesover when it comes to confrontations and basically kicking butt! lol
oh... i *don't* believe in horoscopes... i only read them in summer when i have nothing better to do... it's actually pretty fun! ^^ but i understand that some people can believe it... ^^
I am also a Gemini! Having 2 personalities and can switch them without difficulties!:bg:
kinda like a tag team! :bg: