*sniffels* Oh my...you're all so kind to me... Thank you! :love:
And yes, I loved it very much, Morphee-chan! I printed it on special paper and put it with my other birthday presents. My friends thought it was beautiful! As do I, of course! I should share it with other Trowa lovers, but... it's mine, all mine!! ^_^
No need for honorifics, either, Morphee-chan!
Oh Guardian-san... I don't think I deserve so much, but thank you! I don't know what to ask for... but a banner for my personal site would be quite lovely! And the honour of adding your graphics site to my links, of course.
I still don't quite understand what you meant, Asgard-san, but the candles were definetly lit and blown out. I got to make my wish (although I completely forgot to do so). And there was quite some partying, Goku-san, you can be sure of that! ^_^
Thank you all so much! You've all made my birthday the most wonderful day I have ever had.