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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:47
Belldandy Gift

Exams at school.

Topics Misc Exams at school.
Today, here in New York, the state that is currently covered by a sheet of snow, standardized English Language Assessment tests are being taken. It is a two day, six hour test (three hours each day), that must be taken to pass the course. In total, there are four essays to write.

But now, after taking 1/2 of the exam, our school declared a :cens: snow day! Now we have to take the :cens: test ALL OVER again in JUNE. 3 hours and two test are now worth ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! I hate New York...;_;

So, who here has had a similar experience where something you worked so hard on, something that basically decides pass or fail, is worth nothing because of some stupid chance?
hmm... i know someone who had to double last year of high school because there was an error commited with her exams..... i'll explain.

in 11th grade, in L seccion (mine) you pass 4 exams in june to pass in 12th grade and have the first serie of the grades to get the Baccalauréat (sort of some sort of certificat you get at the end of 12th grade if you succeed). well, the exams are

- French (written) -> 4 hours to make an essay and answer to a question on the subject of a little group of texts (basicaly that's it... because there are 3 kinds of essays you can choose...)

- French (oral) -> you prepar during 20 minutes a 10 minute commentary on a text you studied during the year (you have a list of different texts and the examinator chooses one. i had about 30 studied texts)

- Maths (written) -> 2 hours

- Sciences (written) -> 2 hours

and in 12th grade you pass the rest of the exams you didn't pass in 11th grade...

- Philosophy (written) -> 4 hour exam to make a philosophy essay on a :cens: subject (like "Is satisfying all your desirs is a good way of life"...... :sarc: )

- History/Geography (written) -> 4 hour exam with 2 parts dedicated to each subjects

- Litterature (written) -> 2 hour exam where you have 2 questions to answer to under the form of an essay which are about a book studied during the year (of course, you don't have the book with you during the exam...)

- Specialisation (oral) -> for me it's English, you have a 20/30 minute commentary to make about an unknown document and the book/movie/etc studied during the year (i'm srudying "Sula" by Toni Morrisom)

- Sports -> that's the only part that is done during the year, you have an evaluation at each end of semester

- LV1 (written) -> 1st Language Spoken (other than French), for me English. you have a 3 hour exam

- LV2 (written) -> same thing as LV1 but for your second language. for me Spanish

- TPE (oral) -> Personnal Supervised Work. the only exam were you pass it by group. during the year you make a study about a subject you and your group chose.

and after of course you can have optional exams to help get the Baccalauréat easier.

now... back to the girl i know... she had to double 12th grade because the wrong grade was written in her file and so she should've gotten her Baccalauréat... but because of that error she didn't and has to pass all the 12th grade exams over again... :s poor her...
ouch thats harsh to say the least
._. ._.
yea..... she has to do her year and exams all over again because someone didn't put her the right grade.... :s
hey, not fair! you are in the middle of the 4-day exam and suddenly someone will said that the exams will START AGAIN in june!!! what the!!!!:pissed:
well i am done my exams till june so i am happy now:) :) :) :)
It was two days, by the way. But I don't have to be mad anymore because I got an ego booster from my teacher. She said I was one of the top writers in my class (entire grade) and also told me that the only reason I'm not in honors is because she didn't think I would be comfortable in it.

But now I have to take SIX exams at the end of school (one optional, but I have to take it if I really want to get into college.)
Hey you guys......test!!!!???? Im not to good at taking test......;_; so New York has lots of snow eh????
I remember thoses days. it sucked, however, exam days were interesting because it was open campus. :) good luck to all who has exams.
i'm finished with all my academic exams a couple of years ago :bg:

BUT i now have occupational exams to take for the company. I flunked one paper and i have to retake, not only that i have to pay the exam fee out of my own pocket! at least for you guys the exam is free.

To all who have exams coming up, Good luck and Ganbatte!
hey guess what yall!! i got 83.3% on my science mid term!!! i so happy!!!
Good Job! I still have to prepare for a 50 question Macabulary Test tomorrow. It's 50 words from The Tragedy of Macbeth by Shakespeare that need to be defined. No multiple choice... I'm screwed...;_;
well done scarlet!!
^^ i like MacBeth! but i prefer MacBett by Ionesco... lol! it's a caricature of Skakespear's play and it's sooooooo funny!
its about time someone puts some laughs into Shakespeare, most of his works are kinda tragic or downright boring! even his comedies i didnt understand, or maybe its cause im a uncultured rogue! lol :bg: