I did this part on my blog, Endless war. In it, i listed two freeware screencap programs:
I have discovered two freeware tools ideal for those who want to do screencaps on video files. Firstly there is imagegrab, available at:
This does screencaps into BMP and JPEG, it can do automatic screencaps per second,minute and frame. It supports AVI,WMV amoungst a few other video formats, plus VCD,SVCD and live stream support.
Trouble is, it doesn't support DivX and Xvid codecs and possibly any other third-party codec, only Directshow codecs are know to fully work. Also, there is a possibility that it won't work on a Win2000XP accout which has limited user access. I have tried it on Win98 and it works but on Win2000 with my account as limited user it crashed.
The other tool is Image grabber II, avalibe at:
The site is not up at the moment, but you can download the programs from there.
This screencap program supports DivX and XVid as well as the formats ImageGrab can do. But it can only do automatic screencaps by frame (not seconds or minutes). Also, it doesn't have a friendly interface as Imagegrab (Though it is easy to use once you get the hang of it) and it a tendency to produce memory leaks from overuse of the program to general memory leaks with Windows. Causing you to restart the computer after repeated use of the program.
Overall both tools work in their own regard, I would prefer Imagegrab but Image Grabber II (Confusing, isn't it?) would be better for those with third-party codecs. They are both small anyway so it would be best to have both on the system.