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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 22:32
Belldandy Gift

Who is/are your favorite English seiyuu?

Topics Manga & Anime Who is/are your favorite English seiyuu?
I don't see a thread like this in BAF, so I'll put it up. :)
I love these kind of threads, they let you share our favorites and opinions, and also show to others what they are missing or introduce them to something that they've already been viewing and not know of it.

My favorites are:
Bridget Hoffman, Dave Wittenberg, Michelle Ruff, Wendee Lee, Lia Sargent, Juliet Cesario, Sherry Lynn, Monical Rial, David Lucas, and lots more!! I can't name them all!

But my main favs have to be Bridget Hoffman, Dave Wittenberg, Michelle Ruff, Wendee Lee, and David Lucas.

Juliet Cessario - Belldandy, Miyuki Kobayakawa
Scott Simpson - Keiichi

Matt K Miller - Tenchi Masaki
Petra Burchard - Ryoko

I like Ruby Marlowe (aka Bridget Hoffman, etc) for some parts... She was absolutely perfect for Shinobu (Love Hina) and Mahoro (Mahoromatic), but I still think she was wrong for the part of Belldandy in the movie (her best moment was "I am Belldandy, Goddess First Class with no restrictions... etc").

Stephen Blum (aka David Lucas, etc) is great as Celestine in AMG:Movie, and makes the perfect Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop. He was also great as Ryuga in Mahoromatic, and I can't imagine anyone doing a better Onizuka (GTO).

Lex Lang was awesome as Slash in Mahormatic.

I really wish Tara Strong (Rikku from Final Fantasy X) would do anime... she has a really great voice, sadly, she mostly works on cartoons and video games.

LOL, nice selection, but those seiyuu don't have much of a resume. They have relatively few roles compared to the current active seiyuu like those from Bang Zoom! (mt fav). :)

I didn't want to quote my seiyuus' character roles because there are just so many and when I start I can go on forever nutil I list every single character, and when people notice that I've missed one or two they begin to prompt me. ^_^'

I like Matthew Miller also. He rocks for Tenchi's voice. I've also heard that Tenchi Muyo! In Love was dubbed in English first and then Japanese. In essence that makes the English the original cast for the movie.
Sherry Lynn is the highlight for me when it comes to the Tenchi series.

Larry, you seem to be one of those Tenchi fans. Older anime fans tend to have a real liking for the pre-1998 titles especially Tenchi Muyo!

I find Bridget Hoffman to be my no.1 English seiyuu, because she has a soft gentle and motherly sweet tone which was evident when she voiced Mizuho. She also has a versatile voice when it comes to higher pitch and can make very feisty personalities like Princess Fatora.
I think she did a splendid Belldandy in the Movie although Larry thinks otherwise. She was excellent in the Movie and Min-Goddess, although Cesario is more prefered on the outlook.

I bet Larry here has got the hots for Juliet. Maybe that partially why he likes Juliet so much for the role of Belldandy. ::sweat:
hehehe... describing "pre-1998" anime as old time.... you're probably just a young pup, aren't you? As for them having a small resume, I'll take quality over quantity any day of the week. I also listed some of their roles because a lot of people recognize the voice, but not the name. If we just list "Matt Miller, Petra Burchard, Lex Lang, Bridget Hoffman, etc" a lot of people are going to be left out of the conversation.

And don't get me wrong, I think Ruby Marlowe is a great voice actress, but she was just wrong for the part of Belldandy as far as I am concerned. Belldandy should sound sweet and innocent, which is why I prefer Juliet Cessario for her voice, as she captures those qualities perfectly. Ms Marlowe's characters sound sweet with a touch of sadness. She's perfect for roles like Shinobu in Love Hina, but Belldandy should be much more cheerful. Even in the early scenes in the movie, before losing her memory, she sounded a bit too depressed for my tastes.

As for me supposedly having the "hots" for Juliet Cessario, I'll ask you to kindly refrain from making comments of that nature. She is a married woman, and although I do not take the forums very seriously, there are few quicker ways to offend me than to make suggestions that I am in love with a married woman. Marriage is sacrosant as far as I am concerned, and implying that I covent another man's wife is downright offensive. Simply because we disagree on certain things is no reason to make an attack on my character, whether jokingly or otherwise.

Hahahaa! In fact I do not consider 1998 as old.
In fact the first anime I got into was Tenchi Muyo!
I was completely captured within the world of Tenchi.
I'm not young! LOL I'm no newbie here. I know a lot even more than those who have begun watching anime years before me.

I have other favorites like Saber Marionette J as well.

Hey you're right about Bridget's role as Bell! Yes I do agree with you there, and that's why I also prefer Juliet, because Bell has a more cute and young exciting tone. Yup I agree that Bridget adopts the sad and smoother characters more and better.

I'd like to see people like Matt Miller, Petrea Burchard and Jennifer Darling do more voices in anime. I don't really see them around much nowadays voicing for anime. Especially Darling.

Hahahahaa, hey the "hots" part was only a joke! LOL sorry if you took it personally. ^_^'

Hey Larry, have you other favorites other than those you already mentioned?

Pamela Weidner is one of my all time favorites. She was the perfect Skuld, and her voice was just whiney enough to make a great Yoriko Nokaido in You're Under Arrest.

Sherry Lynn, aka Katie Ashley and Roberta Kim did a great job as Skuld in the movie. Pamela was best for Skuld as a young kid, but the movie Skuld is 4 years older and a lot "sweeter." Sherry does a great job with those roles, such as her work as Sasami / Tsunami in Tenchi Muyo (and Kiyone too). She's very versatile.

There is of course Dorothy Melendrez, aka Dorothy Elias, Dorothy Elias-Fahn, Dorothy Elias Fahn, Dorothy Fahn, Midge Mayes, Dorothy Melendez, and Annie Pastrano. She was great a Naru from Love Hina, and Aname in Tenchi Muyo GXP. Let us also not forget that she played Chihiro in the AMG Movie.

Tony Oliver did a great job as Seina in Tenchi Muyo GXP, and who can forget that he also played the legendary Rick Hunter (do I really have to tell anyone that that's from Robotech? Didn't think so). He also did Keiichi's voice for the movie, although I would have perferred Scott Simpson.

Wendee Lee is fantastic. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting an anime she has worked on.

Barbara Goodson did a great job as Ryoko Balta in GXP. I was also surprised to find out she played Naota (Takkun) in FLCL, not to mention Kitsune in Love Hina. Another very versatile performer.

Mark Matney does a great job as Ken Nakajima in YUA. He's that perfect balence point between heroic and corny that suits Nakajima to a "T".

Jason Douglas is hillarious as Louie, from "Rune Soldier." Other roles include Ilpalazo from Excel Saga and "Dad" from Azumanga Daioh.

Speaking of Azumanga Diaoh, Jessica Boone was perfect for Chiyo-chan. Just annoying enough to be loveable. For my money though, Christine Auten was outstanding as Sakaki-san.

I'd better shut up here or I'll crash the server. Let me copy this before replying, as I may have been automatically logged off...

Hahaha, this thread could go on forever between just you and me.

Weidner's voice for Yoriko is SO SO FUNNY. She cracks me up. Especially at one time I was watching the extras in the DVDs and the recording sessions, where she did an NG and she was laughing in Yoriko's voice... HAHHAHA that was hilarious. So cute :)

Dorothy Elias-Fahn, yeah she's one of my favs too. A very soft tone except when she did Naru in hyper mode. lol

Aw man, Tony Oliver... he rules! Doing a great job for Keiichi and Hirome Shinbo in Chobits, plus also the ADR director for Onegai Teacher, that's an extra bonus!

I also like Sandy Fox as well. She's quite popular for doing the cute creatures and side characters, like Marie and Maho in OT and Sumomo in Chobits... kawaii!

Among my other favs from those I've already mention... I have Karen Strassman, Melissa Williamson, Michael McConnohie, Melissa Charles, Mona Marshall, Kirk Thornton, Julie Anne Taylor, Lia Sargent, Amanda Win Lee, Kimberly Yates...

to be continued.... hahahhahhaha :heh:

I like the seiyuu who works mostly in Bang Zoom! Entertainment, and also those anime that were acquired by Bandai and Geneon. For some reason, the seiyuu from ADV anime, I'm not very fond of, except for a few, like Monical Rial.
[presses start button on other controller]


[proceeds to character select screen]

LOL seems this is a two person thread, so i thought i'd put in my own contribution.

My favs include are
Juliet Cesario
Bridgett Hoffman
David Lucas
Wendee Lee
Rather a shame that we don't see seiyuu like Amanda Win Lee around voices for new anime.
A lot of my seiyuu favorites haven't been cast since 2000.
its a shame companies only select what is "fashionable" at the time, but Amanda Winn Lee does a lot of producing as well maybe she just had too much to do to take up new roles.
Melissa Fahn
Bridget Hoffman
Wendee Lee
Jean Howard
Lia Sargent
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Michelle Ruff
Laura Bailey
Monica Rial
Chris Patton
John Burgmeier
Jerry Jewell
Luci Christain
Johnny Yong Bosch
Stephanie Sheh
Richard Cox
Willow Johnson
Monico Stori
Tiffany Grant
Alissa Keith
Amanda Winn
Steven Jay Blum
Chantal Strand
Kimberly Yates
Jennifer Darling
Carrie Savage
Bridget Hoffman
Kari Wahlgren
Maggie Blue O'Hara