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Tue, 18 Mar 2025 01:07
Belldandy Gift

Childhood dreams

Topics Misc Childhood dreams
When i was a kid i wantes to be an astronaut and a soldier. I just realized lately that that would seem impossible and hard. I just remembered my childhood, and damn! life was somewhat easier back then.

How about some of you? what were your childhood dreams?
back when i was a kid, and im talking aged 6,7 etc, i was happy to be a simple shopkeeper or a policeman. Now my dreams have changed and now i have to make sure i have the money to pay bills etc and to raise a family in the future first, unfortunately dreams will have to wait.
hmm.... now that i think of it... i don't know if i ever had any dreams when i was a child... oh i wanted to become a farmer whith a lot of hourses at a time... that has changed since... hmm... oh yea i have had a dream that i still have now though i changed it a little: when i have my own place, i want to live with tons and tons of cats.... lol! though the "vieille fille" has been added before, i share this dream with a friend of mine because we are totally incapapble of findind ourselves a boyfriend lol! so when we'll be old girls (vieilles filles), that is old girls that have never been maried and all that jazz... we'll have a whole bunch of cats... LOL!
childhood dreams.....

when i was 4 years old, i want to become a policeman. But things changed as i grow up. Being a police cannot support yourself. Minimum wage is low and you sill have to pay the bills i.e insurance, house bills, water bills, telephine bills, bills here and bills there. And, If youre a policeman, big-time crooks will gonna kill you first so that they can proceed to their evil deeds with ease. So, i said to myself

langhya. ayoko nang mag-pulis kasi mabilis kang matatambangan at mababa pa ang suweldo mo...

TRANSLATION: Bummer. I don't wanna be a police anymore because you will be killed easily and the salary is low.

and that's why i changed my goal...to be an I.T. grad :bg:
Well I always wanted to be a truck driver cuz most of my family are truck drivers.But that dream went down the drain cuz I can't past the eye exam.Unless I have surgery(scary).But I also wanted to protect people,in which I am proudly doing now as a hospital & college security offeicer.
the only true dream i have now is to find the girl of my dreams, get married, have a happy family in a nice home and live happily ever after! ^^
For me of course it was to write music, I never wanted to become famous or anything, I just always wanted to share my art with everyone...Im still this way today, guess Im still a child.
that's not being a child! i mean you are what you are! plus who ever said being a child is bad! good luck with ur music Diazo!
Wow for the longest time i wanted to be a artist, since i held a pencil the first thing i did was draw instead of write. Since then Ive been doodling and sketching and creating art ^-^ As Well i wanted to be a singer till i was 14 (currently 16) I am constantly complimented on my voice, even one of the governers in Canada wanted me to sing the national anthem ^-^ for an assemble. But alas my art is what prevailed in the end, now I am bent on becomming a designer! I feel like that is my calling ^-^ Art has always been a part of my life and drawing cloths has been a wonderful hobby and pass time. It is coincidential that the cloths i drew in my sketch book are the ones in style now. How cheap a designer looked over my shoulder and copied me :P! ^-^ But thats ok cause I have plenty of ideas! You all wait and see, in 10 years from now i will be famous *-*
I had many dreams when i was young. One of them was that i wanted to be a scientist just like in the cartoons. My idea of a scientist back then was merely mixing somethings in a lab.
Damn!! if only i knew how hard that was!
Yeah I when I young I had some big dreams. I wanted to be a dancer and a singer and be really famous. I guess now I see that fame isn't everything. However, as a student I think deciding what you want to be is like feeling your way through a dark cave... you pretty much end up where you end up and most of the time it is not where you expected!
You bring up a good point blueheaven, in the schooling system, it seems unfair you need to decide on a career when your between age 16-18 for university. That is such a young age to decide on what to do for the rest of yuor life! I'm in grade 11, and i find it staggering already, I'll be in grade 12 next ear and I'll soon be starting my own life, its almost frieghtening and overwhelming. But thats life is it not? I know what I want, its just getting there. Ad a child I could never have emagined what it would be like ^-^' Whats nice though is it is never to late to change jobs and start over, thats what I like ^-^ So if by chance I don't want to design any more (which i doubt) i can always try for something else ^-^
word of caution: as you grow up you will have more responsibilities which might make it hard to change your decisions etc. One of the many challenges of life. Whatever ones chooses to do, one mustn't loose sight of the one important thing, to live your life happily.
Bleh i spit upon the word 'responsability'!

Ok ok...so i dont exactly want to spit on them, just kick it every once and a while X.x
Kitori, you're still quite young so i can understand ur rejection of the word responsibility. But i didnt mean responsibility as in cleaning up ur room every now and again. No, i meant stuff like raising your children and taking care of your wife or husband. Things change, they can be for the good or bad, depends on how you choose and look at it.