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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 16:57
Belldandy Gift

Rouroni Kenshin oav

Topics Manga & Anime Rouroni Kenshin oav
You speaking of Samurai X.It is intense & alot of blood.It's a very good.It shows Kenshins begining & hes end.I thought Tamoe's voice sounded more like a kids voice than a woman's voice.I'd like to know who kiiled the trader before he tried to get on the ship in Betrayal?.And at the end when Kenshin finally came back to Kayou did he die in her arms/lap in Reflections????
And did Karou die shortly afer he died????And the Motion Picture was pretty good too.But they're voices are different.But I really felt sorry cuz Kenshin.And I didn't like that Kenshin & then Kenji there son left Karou all alone.If anyone has the answers PLEASE tell me.Thanks.