Ah, right. Well, the series is a lot funnier, and it's basically about Kenshin (no duh). As Battousai, he killed a lot of people in the past and that's why he's now walking the peacefull path. He lives with Kaoru (or as Sanosuke calls her, Jou-chan) and does most of the housework (since Kaoru can't cook). A -lot- of stuff happen, a lot of characters join. It's really a nice show. And the fact that Kenshin kind of has a split personality is pretty interesting too; the Battousai and the Rurouni.
The only oav I've seen was, as you know, the second. Kenshin's living with Tomoe in hiding, sometimes doing small missions when asked too. Both work rather hard and have this steady pattern of how things go. I think they live together for quite a while, and he falls in love with her, eventually she falls in love with him. Before, Kenshin was sleeping in the room, just sitting with his blade tightly in his hand. After the first time, he starts sleeping in her bed. Small detail that I found kind of cute, although I really dislike Tomoe for what she does next. But then I'd be giving too much away. The oav is a lot more serious then the series, although both have their own charm.