I like both really. Though Inoue Kikuko does fit Belldandy very well. In the OVA (licensed by AnimEigo), the English seiyuu for Belldandy, i.e. Juliet Cesario did an excellent job, I must say. I actually think that she's a smidge better than Kikuko in the OVA.
Then in the Mini Goddesses and the Movie(licensed by Pioneer, or Geneon as we know of now), the seiyuu changed to Bridget Hoffman. She had a more down to earth and sweet toned voice.
I like them very very much. :)
The voices for Keiichi, Urd and Skuld in the OVA, i.e. Scott Simpson, Lanelle Markgraf, and Pamela Weidner, respectively; they were also excellent. :)
Then in the Movie, they went to Tony Oliver, Melissa Williamson, and Sherry Lynn, respectively. They were also excellent! :)
However, for me, I really prefer the Japanese seiyuu, who are really consistent when they dub their anime characters. I haven't much wide preference over one or the other. I prefer the Japanese by just a smidge. :heh:
Go Go GFC!! All hail Kikuko, Yumi & Aya!!!! :bounce: