I know, I know. Just like the greek gods and their Ambrosia. Or the Faeries with the food that, once you eat it, you can never leave the Faery world again.
But from other stuff I read, immortal beings truely are immortal. I think it's pretty funny, but actually kind of understandable. Has anyone ever watched 'The last Unicorn'? I think it's one of Hayao Miyazaki's movies (the guy from Spirited away and stuff?) and of course it's about the last Unicorn on earth.
Well anyway, instead of killing them or something, which I think he can't (and just doesn't want to), King Haggard sends the Red Bull (so creepy) after the Unicorns and drives them into the sea, where they are turned in the foam riding on top of the waves and in narwals.
So that kinda gave me the idea of 'immortal' beings actually being immortal.