This series has been running in Canda for a few months now and soon will end. To be honest i don't understand the series as well as i would like too ^-^ From what i do gather is Urbo is a liquid, or charm used by witch hunters to protect themselves by rogue witches who can not controle their powers, although most of the hunters don't realise that that liquid is made out of the bodies of previous witches hunters have hunted (though the japanese organization claims they do not kill them). Robin herself seems to be finding herself and trying to discouver weather she is a witch or a craft user. I feel bad for Robin because she does not leave an easy life, especially when she is nearly hunted by her own partner. I'd like to hear ebveryone elses point of view on this series, and perhaps hel clear up some of it for me considering it is hard to follow ^-^ (especially when it only comes on once a week at midnight ^.^)