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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 04:29
Belldandy Gift

What would YOU give to each member of the AMG household for Xmas?

Topics Ah! My Goddess What would YOU give to each member of the AMG household for Xmas?
A question came up in my head while pondering about making a self-insert fanfic (doubt that I would want/could/should type it down and post it). If I were to take part in a study abroad program in college (or what ever school level) and end up with Keiichi and the five goddesses and spend a year there, what would I get each person for xmas?

The format will be as follows:
For Urd: A home brewing kit or guide for beer.
For Lind: Either an ornate gun (depending on Japanese gun laws) or an ornate knife or sword

I could only think of something for two of them (the other goddesses and Keiichi have me stumped (and I cant out do what ever Keiichi is doing for Bell)) but try to get the five goddesses and Keiichi.

Bonus points if you can think of something for Sigel, Banpai, Welsper, and Sentaro (as many of those four as you can).
Bell: A necklace hard earned from side jobs.
Urd: Maybe some rare type of beer@champange gotten from the senpais.
Skuld: Some Ice-Cream maybe Baskin Robbins for a change.
K-1: Maybe a Christmas automobile mag.
Lind: An accessory to tie on her axe for good luck.
The angels: Maybe some simple Christmas handicraft.
Sigel: Upgrade her a bit, maybe make her look older a bit by a year or two.
Banpei: Install a system so he can eat.
Welsper: Cat food, or maybe real food for a change.
Sentarou: Teach him a thing or two about the true meaning or riding.
Here's my list-- sorta

for Megumi :
a special & multi purpose Toolbox

for Skuld :
an icecream machine

for Urd :
one excellent wine/sake

for Peorth :
a golden rose

for Lind :
pole axes are not easy to get,
so i got her a sledge hammer ^^

for Keiichi :
a very special BMW keychain,

and for Belldandy :
i got her a lovely apron that she will surely look lovely on ^^

the list is not really that good,
but just fits the budget =P
Skuld, banpei and Seigel tickets to a convention, something involving electronics and robots, get them out of the way, Urd, tickets to a wine tasting also to get her out of the way, Peorth, tickets to some high society Ball same reason, Lind, get her into a marital arts tournament, and then for K1give him some courage pills stolen from Urd's stash, (leave behind evidence that Skuld did it) and for Belldandy reservations for two on a cruise ship.
For Skuld a brand new bicycle,
for Urd a complete dvd season of her favorite tv program,
for Bell I will grant her 1 wish,
for K1 a color TV (because a Brough Superior is toooo expensive),

Im not sure what I can give to the other characters
To bell: A brand new kitchen an LG Ref. and a Microwave
To keiichi: a new BMW motorcycle with a modified sidecar of course!
To Skuld: if I Could....i'll buy her MICROSOFT Corp.!
Urd: A Bar, with 300 year old wines and other drinks
Peorth: A whole set of Dobons
Let's see: each of the characters are defined by their personality, and their interests reflect this:)

Belldandy: Platinum Ring with Keiichi's name
Keiichi: A new BMW Bike with a sidecar attachment would be good. However, he could also use a new LCD TV >_<
Urd: Sake. From the Edo era
Skuld: Dell computer parts and Windows Vista

For Belldandy and Keiichi, tickets to a cruise in Europe would be wonderful :D
Belldandy i'd give her a music box with the melody of the ova begining op playing

Urd a bunch of sake xD

skuld some TOOLS

Keiichi i'd get him a bunch of school books i guess xD
What about if I give them all OMG manga, AMG series (OVA+Mini+TV), and AMG movie. qO_op !!!