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Sat, 15 Mar 2025 20:23
Belldandy Gift


hei hei .. why not someone try to draw a fan manga? it'll sure to turn out great .. i drawn .. but it is not AMG story anymore
Some suggested fanfics:

Valkyrie's Knight http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3454301/1/
Its a fanfic with Lind as a leading character and a guy from WWI who wanted to serve heaven. Its still churnning new chapters and I actually posted a review (you can see it in the reviews for that story) over there and he actually sorta responded to it in some of his author notes. Glad I could help.

The KMT trilology (In full its five stories) http://www.fanfiction.net/u/671392/
Keiichi figures out how to use the residual magic floating around the temple to do stuff like make Urd and Skuld stop bickering by muting them and blocking their powers. The entire series is pretty good but be warned, Skuld falls in love with K1, the gods are not monogomous, K1 becomes a serious player and has four goddess wives (you will probably lose your mind once you find out who the fourth one is(your initial thoughts of P or L is wrong)). If you can understand whats going on and not break down and cry in the shower over the new relationship dynamics then you will also enjoy the story.

Intervention http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2956190/1/
Urd has a drinking problem and something needs to be done. Warning for Skuld fans, Skuld doesnt fare too well in the majority of the story.

Heart of the Valkyrie http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2939992/1/
Lind asks for a posting on earth for herself and the protection of the human supernatural magnet. Sadly for this fic, it is only the begining and never got fleshed out TT.

Jayb's SkuldSentaro series http://www.fanfiction.net/u/804252/
Skuld and Sentaro growing up together and facing some of the same troubles as K1 and Bell. Dont read the series until read his "My Goddess,My" since SkuldSentaro is actually a follow up to that. Its worth the time to read it, I almost cried at at the end of the last one.

Freeing the self http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2935880/1/
Its what will probably happen if the current status quo on the relationship continues, I was teary at the end.

Mortal Tendencies http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2435963/1/
A tale of freak accidents, lost powers, new love (oh BTW K1 is dead before it starts), and copeing.

Happyness' end http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2531325/1/
This story gets SOO miserably sad at points but GOD DAMN is this story good. Is it bad to enjoy Bell beating the crap out of K1 several times?

Goddess in the Mirror http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2537370/1/
Another very good miserable story. Mara beats Bell to the punch and grants K1's wish (guess what it is, just guess), Bell has no idea who or what she is, Mara is an abusive girl friend, and its all up to Urd and Skuld to set things right.

David Tai's Fate's series and "A hellblazer christmas charol" http://www.fanfiction.net/u/65609/
Its a series of crossovers between Ah my goddess and the Vertigo series. Its still enjoyable even if you never read the Vertigo series before (which David Tai is considerate enough to put a little pre-story explanation of the series and the people and events being used from the Vertigo series at the begining of each fate story). Begin with Dire Fates which has Constantine (the Constatine portrayed by Keano Reeves(ya know Neo) not the Roman emporer that made Christianity legal) teaming up with Skuld to prevent the destruction of heaven.

Lastly is Sean Gaffney's series http://www.fanfiction.net/u/32611/
Its how the proposal, wedding, and honeymoon and related events would go down according to Sean. Be warned all you hentai and lemon haters, there is a lemon scene in the honeymoon one, but its kept clean.... clean as it can be.... Bell doesnt do anything dirty.

There is a couple other ones floating on the internet that I like. Two are self-inserts that have K1 as an exchange student in america with the same wish situation (I have been looking for it lately) and a recent find is a Tenchi AMG crossover with K1 and Mihoshi together. Then there is the lenghthy "Miss Keiichi Returns" (can be found here http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1427/ )

"Slip of the tounge" is another fun one.

These are just some suggestions and their all worth some time to read.
I just would like to say that my AMG fanfic is already complete, find it on the Mediaminer link or on my website.
I got to say, fanfics are pretty interesting to read :)
i would like to recommend reading C. Mcguire's "Trial By Tenderness"...

It is really fantastic...if you read one of its hour-long chapters, you can see(or visualize) the story flow in your mind...
blargh, link is banned... maybe if someone remembers, could you mail it to me?
QuoteOriginally posted by Reminded (view)
blargh, link is banned... maybe if someone remembers, could you mail it to me?

try here


you have to look down the page, but they're there
is the story already finished...? O_o
QuoteOriginally posted by Lanz (view)
is the story already finished...? O_o

it's on hiatus still (as far as i or anyone else knows). from what i heard, the author was being treated for his problems (or something like that), but no sign of the fanfic being continued

I like it, because it's a nice change from all the other AMG fanfics out there; and it's also the reason why i like urd :E