yeah that's the spirit - one way or another one has to figure it out right!??!?!^_^
sure!! sure will be fun to play when you don't get it! And after a couple of times, you will understand it! XD I imagine myself peing punched and blowed up by Skuld a million times XD
I can't wait for it! [I just got 50 dollars too hehe]
hehe! That´s the way tailsfoxfive5!! It is sparing money that we buy our most dear stuff^_^
lol - I agree with both!!
and btw HollyBell - how about getting zapped by some Urd Bolts for getting it all wrong!?!?! hahaha!!:laugh:
hahahaha! Oh no onee-san! Please don´t! It will be just like when Skuld gets zapped! :lol:
If you want, I could create a brief lesson. I know enough of the language.
Eh eh he! If you really need you can ask to discovery_2001
I surprised that new AMG game had been announced. I checked website, and I hear that this game will schedule to be sold in winter (This may mean December). Unfortunately, I can't find any informations about english version. I also hope that because I can learn little english. I expects if developers make the english version...
Any online orders for the game and the website address and details on how to order online? Plus...can I trust online ordering?
Well, About Online Ordering Hikaryu, The One I recommend the Most is, thay have never failed me! And Hey, as soon as there are any News about ordering the game or something! Post it! That Would Help a Lot!
>>>can you read japanese? :inoc: I need some help on the site... :E
Of course I can. I think there is no important information in the site now, but following informations are written in page of Spec.
Title/Ah! My Goddess Subtitle Undecided Genre/Adventure Game Release date/This winter Price/Undecided Support model/Play Station 2 Support peripherals/Memory Card Sale origin/Marvelous Interactive Inc.
In addition, Marvelous Interactive did the booth exhibition on Tokyo Game Show 2006, and it seems to have explained the detail of game system here. (Unfortunately, this event just finished at yesterday.)
[Added in 26] [Fixed in 27(Some sentences were missing)] The homepage is updated in 25, so I'm going to translate some pages. And please remember this translation is informal.
-Story- Keiichi and goddesses(Belldandy, Urd, Skuld) applied "Uninhabited island tour" by the lottery, and they went to the island with each of their luggage. However, as soon as they arrive at the island, it had been mechanized by unknown magic. This magic was set by someone, and it deprived goddesses of important memories and their songs. Keiichi and goddesses try to do each other, and start the adventure to recover their memories and release the magic while looking back on their memories and deepening their bonds...
-Game System- *Mechanism Magic Square(In Japanese, it call 'Kikou Houjyutsujin') The magic that Keiichi manipulates is a specific ability which can be changed by understanding the internal structure of material. This means he can change various material at his convenience. The enemy and the obstacle might be exceeded by repairing or remodeling an internal structure of material according to the usage.